A Most Comforting Verse
One of my favorite verses in all of Scripture, and perhaps one of the most comforting is (Romans 8:28): “And we know that all things work together for good to
Bible Apologetics – A DAILY DEVOTIONAL
Why We Believe the Bible is our Basic Instructions Before Leaving Earth
One of my favorite verses in all of Scripture, and perhaps one of the most comforting is (Romans 8:28): “And we know that all things work together for good to
Back in April 2022 I posted the following devotion. I recently re-read it and thought it would be a good idea to re-post it because in our increasing God denying
In (Acts 20:35) we see the Apostle Paul sharing one of the most important words by Jesus on Christian giving in the Bible: “…And remember the words of the Lord
While recently listening to a sermon by Pastor Brent Webster of Resurrection Oakland Church he shared a wonderful quote about Jesus that really blessed me. Before I share the quote
Have you ever been persecuted for taking a stand for Jesus? Well, if you have, the Bible not only says that you are blessed but it also says you should
The other day I had lunch with my very good friend Bob and we began to discuss the idea of how can we be comfortable in a world where there
I can remember as a new Christian in the early 1980’s I used to listen to Pastor John MacArthur’s teachings on the Bible by purchasing cassette tapes for fifty cents
When it comes to the truth about God, the claims of Christianity are unique and, its gospel message of salvation through Christ alone, the exclusive way to finding the one
While I live in a free country and I am a free man, I willingly choose to be the slave of Christ. To the world choosing to be a slave
Prayer is a wonderful form of communion with the Lord. Normally when we think of prayer we think of asking, or petitionary prayer, but prayer includes so much more. Worship,