Jerry Bridges – Quotes for a Deeper Walk with Jesus – Part II
“We need to brace ourselves up and to realize that we are responsible for thoughts, attitudes, and actions. We need to reckon on the fact that we died to sin’s
Bible Apologetics – A DAILY DEVOTIONAL
Why We Believe the Bible is our Basic Instructions Before Leaving Earth
“We need to brace ourselves up and to realize that we are responsible for thoughts, attitudes, and actions. We need to reckon on the fact that we died to sin’s
Whether you are a leader or a layperson all Christians are called to evangelize those lost people in their spheres of influence. And clearly knowing the Bible and good cogent
“You will never cease to be the most amazed person on earth at what God has done for you on the inside.”1 “Obey God and leave all the consequences to
In today’s world we are blessed as Christians with a wide variety of study tools to help us better understand the Bible. In fact there are so many study aids
To many, love is a strong positive feeling toward others. But to Christians, love is so much more than positive feelings. In fact, love according to the Scriptures, sometimes involves
“To be a Christian means to forgive the inexcusable, because God has forgiven the inexcusable in you.”1 “The Son of God became a man to enable men to become sons
I will never forget when I was in high school, back in the late 1960’s, that a group of us went on a class field trip hundreds of miles North
As human beings we are wired for many things. For example, we are all attracted to pleasure and do our best to avoid pain. We all want to be appreciated.
To me a black box represents anything that I have no idea how it works. For example, the computer I am typing this devotional on is a black box since
A healthy fear of the Lord is something that all of us need to have but just what does a healthy fear of the Lord mean? Certainly, God doesn’t want