If you have ever watched any of the Star Wars movies you will be familiar with the central theme of the battle between the Force and the Dark Side. This cosmic battle between good and evil, and all the special effects that go with it, make for a very entertaining movie. In the movie both the Force and the Dark Side represent mystical power forces that have spiritual overtones. You could say that the Force represents what is good and the Dark Side what is evil. While this science fiction movie is fantasy the concept of a cosmic battle between good and evil in our world is more real than many people realize.
For we read in (Ephesians 6:11-12): “Put on the full armor of God, so that you can take your stand against the devil’s schemes. For our struggle is not against flesh and blood, but against the rulers, against the authorities, against the powers of this dark world and against the spiritual forces of evil in the heavenly realms.” As Christians we know that God is real, but as real as God is, the devil is just as real. We also read in (1 Peter 5:8): “Be alert and of sober mind. Your enemy the devil prowls around like a roaring lion looking for someone to devour.” Clearly we are in a supernatural struggle, and while Christians have already won the war against Satan, by virtue of what Christ did at Calvary, we still need to be ready for the fiery darts the devil sends our way.
While Satan is a defeated foe, we know as Christians, he can still make our lives difficult if we are not staying close to Jesus. But the real concern for us should be for our unsaved family, friends, and loved ones who don’t know Jesus. For this is where the cosmic battle is its fiercest. And this battle has eternal implications for the battle is for the souls of unsaved humanity. And just how valuable is a soul? Charles Spurgeon perhaps said it best: “Consider how precious a soul must be, when both God and the devil are after it.”1
Just how valuable is a human soul? We read in (Mark 8:36): “For what does it profit a man to gain the whole world, and forfeit his soul?” Clearly the Bible realizes that your soul is worth more than the entire world! Think about it, you could own our entire planet, but if when you die, your soul becomes no more, or as the Bible states, can become eternally separated from God, just where would that leave you.
Satan, clearly doesn’t want to face God’s wrath alone so he has enlisted his army of demons and individuals who are sadly, worshipping him, to lead as many people astray and onto the broad road that leads to destruction. What role do we as Christians play in this cosmic struggle for the souls of the unsaved? I believe we need to wield our two main weapons which are the Word of God and prayer. (2 Corinthians 10:4) says: “For the weapons of our warfare are not carnal but mighty in God for pulling down strongholds.” As Christians we need to use the truth of the Scriptures to defeat satanic falsehoods. We must therefore use the Bible to assault error with the truth. We can also use powerful praying to ask the Holy Spirit to convict the sinner and open their blind eyes and hardened hearts to the gospel message.
Everyone’s soul is of infinite value since it is made in the image of God and has been gifted with immortality. Whether we like it or not we are involved with this cosmic battle. But if we stand firm on the truth of God’s Word, share the message of the gospel, and pray fervently for the souls God puts in our path, we can have confidence that the Lord will go to bat for us and do mighty things. So let’s arm ourselves for battle – eternal things are at stake!