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A Myriad of Precious Thoughts

Did you know that God has a myriad of precious thoughts toward His children? In one of my favorite set of verses in the Bible, David, the psalmist proclaims: “How precious to me are your thoughts, God! How vast is the sum of them! Were I to count them, they would outnumber the grains of sand—when I awake, I am still with you.” (Psalm 139:17-18).

When I first read these verses I thought that this is obviously hyperbolic language. According to the dictionary hyperbole is meant to be an exaggerated statement or claim that is not meant to be taken literally but used to emphasize a point. Obviously the number of grains of sand on the earth is literally in the trillions and trillions – could God have that many precious thoughts toward us?

Or might it just be possible for these verses to be taken both hyperbolically and literally? As I mediated on this portion of (Psalm 139) two thoughts came to mind.

First, when we compare the infinite mind of God with the limited finite mind of man we can only stand in awe of not only the majesty of God, but at the lengths He went through to redeem us from the curse of sin. Imagine Jesus, the perfect God-man, came to earth to take on his own fleshly body more sins than the grains of sand on planet earth in order to redeem fallen mankind from an eternity of separation from Himself. And that my friends is clearly not hyperbole!

And second, not only is God concerned with you as an individual but He is concerned and is maintaining every one of your 30 trillion cells that make up your human body. God makes sure that all 30 trillion cells are individually provided with nutrition and oxygen to survive. And since each one of these 30 trillion cells are made up of a vast array of separate and identifiable substances, which in turn are made up of many separate protein molecules, just imagine the countless number of particles that God must cares for! Since the Bible tell us that God numbers the very hairs on our head (Matthew10:30) which, in context in Matthew, clearly implies that if God is concerned with each and every one of your hairs, how much more is He concerned and in love with the whole package of 30 trillion cells called YOU!

So, God indeed has a precious caring thought toward each and every one of your protein molecules and therefore our above verses from (Psalm 139) are not just hyperbole. I challenge you to do a study from the Scriptures on the many instances that God shares one of his precious thoughts toward you. To whet your appetite, I leave you with (1 Peter 2:9): “But you are a chosen generation, a royal priesthood, a holy nation, His own special people, that you may proclaim the praises of Him who called you out of darkness into His marvelous light.” Imagine in just this one verse God says you are chosen, royal, holy, and special. And not only that but God thinks so highly of you that He gives you the incredible privilege to proclaim His wonderful praises to all the world!

1 thought on “A Myriad of Precious Thoughts

  1. Mary Beth Phillips says:

    God spoke in Genesis1. Each time He spoke the laws of physics came into being, laws of biology and chemistry lined up. Planets were created and their paths were ordered. Metabolic pathways to change food into energy for life instantly began. God provided the timelines for eggs and sperm to divide and change at the appropriate time into organs for man, reptiles, birds and mammoths. God determined each day of our lives.
    Our finite minds cannot understand. How can man be so arrogant to think we evolved and the universe started making quantum evolutionary leaps?!

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