On the surface these two words seem to be somewhat contradictory but when it comes to being a Christian they certainly go together. John Stott said it well: “Every Christian should be both conservative and radical; conservative in preserving the faith and radical in applying it.”1
As believers we need to earnestly contend for the faith and in essential doctrines we need to take a stand and make them non-negotiable. In nonessential doctrines we can choose to disagree but we can do this in a spirit of gentleness that allows us to still have fellowship with one another. Too often Christians become so dogmatic in these nonessential doctrines and so argumentative that the body of Christ becomes fractured and a wedge is opened up for Satan to sometimes do great harm to the unity that Jesus wants to see among His children.
We as fellow Christians need to carefully pick our battles. If someone says that Jesus is not God or that we can earn our salvation through good works then we essentially have another gospel and we must take our stand with the Scriptures and let those with these views know that they are clearly not scriptural. In this case division is called for and not unity. Thus taking a conservative stance on the essentials of the faith is necessary to ensure that we have a faith that we can rally around.
Armed with these essentials of the faith we need to be totally radical in living for Christ, loving everyone, sharing these amazing biblical truths, and praying for strength to live a holy life. And when we become totally radical in living and working out our faith, we not only will see the kingdom of God advancing, joy filling our hearts, but our Lord being glorified. Funny thing, when we do lead this radical Christian life we actually are returning to what is expected of all believers in Christ. Radical really means living the normal Christian life, no more and no less.
My friends, it is time we become radical in our faith, uncompromising in defending essential Christian doctrines, and taking on the mantle of prayer and praise to our wonderful heavenly Father!
1 Quote by John Stott: “Every Christian should be both conservative and…”