Why does God allow evil and suffering? – Part I
The short answer is that God wanted to have a loving personal relationship with each of us so He gave us free will. And with free will comes the choice
Bible Apologetics – A DAILY DEVOTIONAL
Why We Believe the Bible is our Basic Instructions Before Leaving Earth
The short answer is that God wanted to have a loving personal relationship with each of us so He gave us free will. And with free will comes the choice
While watching a prayer devotion this morning from Dutch Sheets, called Give Him 15, which I was recently introduced to by my friend Dennis, (Give Him 15 | Dutch Sheets)
While many Christians are attracted to a particular church based on who the pastor is, sadly, few are attracted to a church based on who the prayer warriors in a
Let’s face it we all want to live comfortable lives. Our human nature is to seek pleasure and avoid pain. But as Christians God often will want to take us
“Better to love God and die unknown than to love the world and be a hero; better to be content with poverty than to die a slave to wealth; better
Someone once defined evolution as nobody times nothing equals everything. Now that’s ridiculous! Darwinian evolution is a fantasy theory that is nothing more than secular religion masquerading as science and
While grief and joy seem to be opposites there is a time when joy can follow shortly after grief. I like how A. W. Pink gives us a perfect example
“It is better to wake up five hundred Christians than to convert five hundred sinners, for if five hundred Christians really wake up, they will win more than five hundred
My friends when was the last time you stood in awe of God? When was the last time you were genuinely “awe struck” with His majesty, power, might, and dominion?
By definition the God of the universe must be somewhat mysterious. Let me explain. Since our great Creator has no beginning or end, it is only possible to know Him