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Bible Study and the Holy Spirit

In today’s world we are blessed as Christians with a wide variety of study tools to help us better understand the Bible. In fact there are so many study aids that the list is almost endless. I love how theologian Bernard Ramm shares the list: “From the Apostolic Fathers dating from AD 95 to the modern times is one great literary river inspired by the Bible – Bible dictionaries, Bible encyclopedias, Bible lexicons, Bible atlases, and Bible geographies. These may be taken as a starter. Then at random, we may mention the vast bibliographies around theology, religious education, hymnology, missions, the biblical languages, church history, religious biography, devotional works, commentaries, philosophy of religion, evidences, apologetics, and on and on. There seems to be an endless number.”1

This wide variety of study tools available today, however, begs the question: How did the first century Christians gain so much insight and wisdom from the Bible before any of these study helps existed? I believe the answer is simple. They relied on the great illuminator of Scripture – the Holy Spirit! G. Campbell Morgan said it so well: “The Scripture can only be read intelligently by inspired men and women. The value we get from our reading is in direct proportion to the measure in which we are filled with God’s Spirit.”2

While it is true that non-believers can be blessed by reading the Bible and applying biblical principles to their lives, true transformation, and finding peace, joy, and deep meaning in life can only be obtained when the Holy Spirit is dwelling within a person and helping to interpret and illuminate the words of Scripture.

In the words of G. Campbell Morgan the “Scriptures can only be read intelligently by inspired men and women.” But, I believe, that while all Christians are inspired to one degree or another, not all believers are filled with God’s Spirit. G. Campbell Morgan is so spot on when he stated that the value we get from reading the Bible is in direct proportion to the measure in which we are filled with the Holy Spirit. Since the Scriptures state that we can grieve and quench the Holy Spirit, it stands to reason that when we do this, we in a sense turn off the illuminating light of the Spirit as the essential aid in helping us understand and apply the precious truths contained in the Bible.

As Christians all the study aids that were mentioned in the Bernard Ramm quote above are valuable and should be used by all serious students of Bible study. However, being obedient to the commandments of the Lord and walking in His will are the best ways to be filled with the Spirit and maximize the illuminating and interpretive power that the Spirit-filled life will bring to your reading of the Bible.

So, Christian, reading and studying the Bible should be your passion since in the words of Theodore Roosevelt: “A thorough knowledge of the Bible is worth more than a college education.”3 Don’t forget to use study aids such as good Bible commentaries, but even better, allow the Holy Spirit to fill you with His illuminating light as you read and meditate on the Scriptures.

For being filled with the Spirit and having your mind saturated with Scripture will provide you with everything you need to lead a rich, vibrant, and joyous spiritual life!  

1 The Influence of the World’s Greatest Book › The Forerunner

2 Quote by G. Campbell Morgan: “The Scripture can only be read intelligently by…” (

3 Theodore Roosevelt – A thorough knowledge of the Bible is… (

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