Jesus and Abortion
Back in 2003 I wrote a novel on abortion called, Children of the Womb. (Pictured above). Briefly Children of the Womb deals with one of America’s most controversial social issues – abortion. At
Bible Apologetics – A DAILY DEVOTIONAL
Why We Believe the Bible is our Basic Instructions Before Leaving Earth
Back in 2003 I wrote a novel on abortion called, Children of the Womb. (Pictured above). Briefly Children of the Womb deals with one of America’s most controversial social issues – abortion. At
Abortion is such a horrible practice that as Christians we must never compromise on our stance of being pro-life. I pray that the following quotes will help you see that
Many advocates for abortion use the Bible’s silence on the issue as a way of proving that God is not against abortion. While it is true that the Bible doesn’t
Have you ever felt at a loss for words on how to confront a pro-choice abortion advocate? If so you are not alone. Pro-choice proponents by and large have the
When a sperm and an egg cell unite, a most unique and wonderful miracle occurs: life begins. This tiny single cell, no bigger than the period at the end of
The question of when does human life begin is no longer up for debate. Medical science has clearly shown and stated that human life begins not at birth, but at
While the Bible doesn’t specifically mention abortion, it does mention the specific names of many individuals, and the plans God had for them, before these persons were even born. It
Personhood Today more and more pro-choice advocates have been forced to concede that the tiny life inside the womb is a human being. However, they flatly deny that our unborn
The great minds of medicine and science 100 years ago knew very little about fetal development. Justice Blackmun’s statement about the lack of consensus between science and the Bible (theology)
When a sperm and an egg cell unite, a most unique and wonderful miracle occurs: life begins. This tiny single cell, no bigger than the period at the end of