Who’s Afraid of Intelligent Design?
Angus Menuge’s makes the following insightful comment: “If science is a critical enterprise analogous to a series of legal trials, then all relevant evidence must be allowed its day in
Bible Apologetics – A DAILY DEVOTIONAL
Why We Believe the Bible is our Basic Instructions Before Leaving Earth
Angus Menuge’s makes the following insightful comment: “If science is a critical enterprise analogous to a series of legal trials, then all relevant evidence must be allowed its day in
Definition of evolution (1) Nobody x Nothing = Everything. While I will admit that in the last analysis the creation account of the Bible has to be accepted on faith,
Just what is evolution? The definition that captures the essence of evolution states that evolution is nobody times nothing equals everything. Since most evolutionists believe that there is no God
When Charles Darwin wrote his groundbreaking book on evolution, The Origin of Species, he knew little about the human cell. To Darwin, as well as the other scientists of his
The Truthfulness of the Bible is Undermined When it comes to understanding why theistic evolution is the wrong compromise for Christians to make in order to accommodate modern scientific ideas
Implications As I hope to now show the arguments against theistic evolution are much more grounded in the Scriptures. In addition, the creation vs evolution controversy is too important to
When one opens up the BioLogos website we are confronted with the following statement: “BioLogos invites the church and the world to see the harmony between science and biblical faith
Other than the Bible perhaps no other book has influenced so many areas in American society, in the last 150 years, than Charles Darwin’s, The Origin of Species. If you
Today we are going to explore four more reasons why the biblical account of creation and evolution do not mix. The fourth reason concerns the creation of Adam. According to
While this two-part devotion will give seven reasons why the biblical account of creation and evolution do not mix, they both do have one thing in common – they both