Intelligent Design should be taught in the public schools
For too long now students in our public schools have been taught that evolution is the only scientific theory that can be used to explain the origin of living things.
Bible Apologetics – A DAILY DEVOTIONAL
Why We Believe the Bible is our Basic Instructions Before Leaving Earth
For too long now students in our public schools have been taught that evolution is the only scientific theory that can be used to explain the origin of living things.
Could the human eye have evolved? Based on Charles Darwin’s theory of evolution – the answer would be yes. But as I plan to show based on common scientific sense
Back in the early 1990’s I was having lunch with four vice presidents, who happened to be co-workers of mine, at JP Morgan Chase Bank; where I worked in the
The Bible teaches creation while most modern day scientists teach evolution. The implications of who is right are enormous. Are we made in the image of God as the Bible