What’s the Proper Attitude Concerning Sin
While it is true that before we come to Christ, it’s our sin that has separated us from God, and if we don’t accept Jesus as our Lord and Savior
Bible Apologetics – A DAILY DEVOTIONAL
Why We Believe the Bible is our Basic Instructions Before Leaving Earth
While it is true that before we come to Christ, it’s our sin that has separated us from God, and if we don’t accept Jesus as our Lord and Savior
Growing up in New York City, I rarely saw more than a few stars when I looked up at the night sky. But all of this changed for me on
While I must admit that some things in the Bible are hard to understand, the central message of Scripture is not. The simple message, which is clearly stated in the
Affliction. As Christians we all will experience times when trials and suffering come our way. How we view and handle these afflictions are critical if we are to fulfill the
Someone once asked Mother Teresa the above question. Her response was immediate and quite telling. She said that we shouldn’t blame God but ourselves since there is enough food produced
In the eyes of most, greatness is synonymous with accomplishing major achievements, accumulating large amounts of wealth, and becoming famous. But when we measure greatness in the economy of God
Have you ever contemplated how life begins? When a sperm and egg cell unite your life begins. At conception the most amazing thing happens – your life enters the universe.
Sadly, many Christians treat prayer as some magical formula and God as a kind of cosmic bellhop that we can summon to do our bidding if we just utter the
(Job 1) is one of the most amazing chapters in all of Scripture. In it we see one of the greatest cosmic battles in the entire Bible. In this chapter
In America today a new gospel is being preached called tolerance. We are told that we need to be tolerant of every person’s belief system. If we are not we