I Don’t Have Enough Faith to Be an Atheist
The above devotion title is the name of one of my favorite apologetics books written by Norman L. Geisler and Frank Turek.1 In this thought provoking book the authors give
Bible Apologetics – A DAILY DEVOTIONAL
Why We Believe the Bible is our Basic Instructions Before Leaving Earth
The above devotion title is the name of one of my favorite apologetics books written by Norman L. Geisler and Frank Turek.1 In this thought provoking book the authors give
While reading FDR’s (our 32nd President of the United States) statement on the 400th anniversary of the printing of the English Bible, that he gave on October 6, 1935 below,
The idea that one day several billion years ago in some primordial soupy liquid inanimate molecules happen to collide and by sheer chance produce a living entity, which over many
As Christians we believe that evolution is a bankrupt worldview. As I have shown in many of my past posts on creation vs evolution, it takes far more faith to
Psalm 119 presents us with the most intensive bombardment of reverence verses, for the word and ways of God, in the entire Bible. Not only that, but this one Psalm
When you think about Psalm 119 what thoughts come to mind? For many, it’s just another Psalm. To others, it’s a very long Psalm. Another group might add that it
While our world believes that man is basically good the Bible teaches that not only isn’t he good but that he is totally depraved. According to the website GotQuestions.org: “While
As Christians we have a very different view on the nature of truth than most non-believers. We believe that there is such a thing as absolute truth while most non-Christians
Have you ever wondered if you could ask the Lord for one thing what would it be? Would it be good health, fame, money, wisdom or even peace and joy.
Time has a way of making things become obsolete. Think back to 1844 when Samuel Morse invented the telegraph. This invention, back then, was a quantum leap in communications. Today,