The Bible – The Indestructible Book
Over the centuries men have tried their best to get rid of the Bible. But today the Bible can boast that it has sold more copies than any other book
Bible Apologetics – A DAILY DEVOTIONAL
Why We Believe the Bible is our Basic Instructions Before Leaving Earth
Over the centuries men have tried their best to get rid of the Bible. But today the Bible can boast that it has sold more copies than any other book
Back in August 2020 I posted this devotion. I pray that this re-post will encourage you to realize just how true (Acts 20:35) is and that when you give of
Back in July 2020, I posted this devotion. I have re-posted it with the hope that many of my newer audience will be blessed by our timeless book of ultimate
Back in November 2020 I posted this devotion. I pray that it will get you more excited about your future home in heaven! In the final book of the Bible,
Back in August 2020 I posted this devotion. It is one of the most important devotions I have ever written and I hope that you let the Holy Spirit help
I thought it would be a good time to post one of my past devotions that deals with one of the most damaging words in the English language – discouragement.
Back in August, 2020 I posted this devotional. I think it is a good time to re-post it since Christians and the Bible are being ridiculed greatly in our society.
The Bible teaches creation while most modern day scientists teach evolution. The implications of who is right are enormous. Are we made in the image of God as the Bible
In the New Testament there are many verses that I like to call the “one another” verses. For example, we are called to “love one another,” “pray for one another,”
So many things today that are common knowledge were not understood even 100 years ago. One such area that has gone through two separate revolutions in thinking in this short