Six Reasons to Have a Thankful Heart
With today being Thanksgiving I thought it would be good to take time to reflect on all of the things we can be thankful for. In the devotion below, which
Bible Apologetics – A DAILY DEVOTIONAL
Why We Believe the Bible is our Basic Instructions Before Leaving Earth
With today being Thanksgiving I thought it would be good to take time to reflect on all of the things we can be thankful for. In the devotion below, which
In our world today many believe that once one dedicates their life to the pursuit of science they can’t take the Bible literally. Back in 1990 I was invited to
Can joy and suffering coexist? The Bible tells us not only can they, but they should, in the life of any Christian that is walking in the will of the
The name of Helen Keller is a name that is known worldwide. Although she spent almost her entire life deaf and blind, Helen Keller became a symbol to the entire
Could the human eye have evolved? Based on Charles Darwin’s theory of evolution – the answer would be yes. But as I plan to show based on common scientific sense
Have you ever wondered why you are here in this moment of time and space? Or perhaps on a clear night, as you gaze into a brilliant star-filled evening sky,
In everything? Do you mean when we are going through severe trials we should give thanks? Not only that, but the Bible tells us we should also be joyful! For
Today marks the beginning of the second year of my website. I thought it would be fun for the next week (7 days) to re-post 7 of my favorite devotionals.