Would You Die for a Lie?
Once Jesus was resurrected from the dead and later made several appearances to the early apostles, these men who once fled in fear for their lives from Jesus just days
Bible Apologetics – A DAILY DEVOTIONAL
Why We Believe the Bible is our Basic Instructions Before Leaving Earth
Once Jesus was resurrected from the dead and later made several appearances to the early apostles, these men who once fled in fear for their lives from Jesus just days
One of the more popular arguments used to show that Jesus is God was argued by two well-known Christian apologists – C.S. Lewis and Josh McDowell – called the Trilemma.
In their marvelous book, Fearfully and Wonderfully, Philip Yancey and Dr. Paul Brand make one of the most insightful observations on personal fulfillment I have ever read. Take a few
In an earlier devotion on government and the Bible I quoted President John Adams who shared: “Suppose a nation in some distant Region should take the Bible for their only
In (Numbers 13) we read of the famous account of the Lord telling Moses to send out men to spy out the land of Canaan. For we read: “Send men
As human beings we are wired for many things. For example, we are all attracted to pleasure and do our best to avoid pain. We all want to be appreciated.
To me a black box represents anything that I have no idea how it works. For example, the computer I am typing this devotional on is a black box since
A healthy fear of the Lord is something that all of us need to have but just what does a healthy fear of the Lord mean? Certainly, God doesn’t want
Warren Wiersbe once said: “Never doubt in the darkness what God has told you in the light.”1 And just what did God tell us about light can be found in
As the second person of the Trinity Jesus Christ is fully God. He is not one of three Gods or a part of God – but He is fully God.