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Changed Lives

One of the greatest witnesses to the reality of the Christian faith is the amazing transformation testimonies of millions of individuals down through the centuries. Once these men and women decided to place their trust in Jesus Christ, not only did they undergo a new creation transformation (2 Corinthians 5:17), but they went from sinner to saint, from bondage to free. Christianity is the only religion that can boast these total life transformation experiences.

And the wonderful thing about these changed lives are that they happen to people from all walks of life. Working at the Bowery Mission in New York City for over a decade allowed me to interact with hundreds of homeless men; many at the end of their rope. Thankfully many came to know Jesus through the life changing programs that the mission offers. And their transformation stories have served to prove to me over and over how a personal relationship with Jesus can make all the difference in every area of their lives.

I have witnessed once hardened criminals become gentle and compassionate saints of God. They have traded their hardened hearts, through spiritual surgery in Christ, for hearts overflowing with peace and a desire to help others. I have watched men addicted to drugs and alcohol released from their bondage and become completely sober. Men who have struggled all their lives with holding grudges and seeking revenge have learned the great secret in Christ of practicing forgiveness. As a result, their once unforgiving heart, that was causing such hatred and bitterness and negative physical symptoms, became changed through Christ – generating total liberation from these once destructive thoughts and emotions. I have also witnessed broken and shattered relationships restored through the power of Christ for many of these men.

Other religions, organizations, secular counselors, and self-help books may make superficial changes to an individual but only Christ can make permanent and long lasting changes – and these changes are always for the good. And the reasons are simple.

Different religions try to help you become a better person based on obeying rules while Christianity, is not so much based on rules, but on a relationship. Only a restored relationship with the one true God can make the lasting changes that are the hallmark of Christianity. Organizations such as Alcoholics Anonymous can be helpful but they can only reform – while Christianity transforms. Sadly, many alcoholics that participate in these twelve step programs may stop drinking but many become chain smokers instead – substituting one poison for another. Secular counselors can be helpful but only when they share biblical principles with those they counsel. And finally, self-help books are doomed to failure because they start with the faulty premise that we inside ourselves have the tools to succeed. The Bible clearly tells us in (Romans 3:10-12): “…There is none righteous, no, not one; There is none who understands; There is none who seeks after God. They have all turned aside; They have together become unprofitable; There is none who does good, no, not one.” You see the Bible says that our old self is fatally flawed and so how can this self, therefore help self?

A personal relationship with Christ is the foundation upon which Christianity stands and once you become a Christian everything about yourself changes. You now, through the Holy Spirit, can say no to sin. Your self-image and self-esteem become very positive because you now know who you are in Christ. Your motivation to do good is now a central focus of your behavior because Christ lives in you and is now directing your decisions. And finally, God changes your desires to now, not always be concentrated on self-fulfillment, but on helping others.

In conclusion Christianity is unique, transformational, and the only antidote to bring peace and joy to our sin sick souls.

3 thoughts on “Changed Lives

  1. To know Jesus Christ, the one true God, in a personal, intimate way by virtue of His grace and mercy alone extended to each of us is a game changer!

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