In (1 Peter 2:9) we read some pretty amazing things about who you are in Christ: “But you are a chosen generation, a royal priesthood, a holy nation, His own special people, that you may proclaim the praises of Him who called you out of darkness into His marvelous light.”
Knowing who you are in Christ is so important because it allows you to know just how valuable you are to Jesus. In our world today negativity abounds but as Christians we should always be the most positive people around because of our standing in Christ. In an earlier devotion (February 12, 2021) I summarized who you are in Christ as follows:
“You are created in God’s image, a masterpiece of His creative genius. You are a treasured possession to Jesus. In Christ you are on the pathway to having maximum meaning, joy, and pleasures. God has a myriad of precious thoughts toward you. In Christ, Jesus is your one true God and He is always with you to strengthen, help, and uphold you. God is not only your heavenly ‘Abba’ Father but you are a joint heir with Christ. In addition, the Holy Spirit lives inside of you making you a temple of God. And finally, in Christ, you are chosen, royal, holy, and special to God. My friends let’s face it God is plain crazy about you!”
Chosen by God
First, did you know that you are chosen by God to be in a personal relationship with the Creator of the universe. Before time began God had you on His mind and predestined you to become a child of God. While it is true to become a Christian we must accept, by faith, Jesus into our hearts, God actually chose us before the foundations of the world to become part of the family of God. Trying to reconcile God’s sovereignty in choosing us and our personal responsibility in choosing Jesus has always been something that I have had a hard time wrapping my mind around. Fortunately, I leave this difficulty with God and just accept the reality of both.
Royal in Christ
Second, you are royalty which means you are a child of the King. All Christians are part of a royal priesthood and as such can claim Jesus, the king of the universe, as their heavenly Father. We have been born into the family of God and as a result we have inherited this lofty position. And one day we will be entitled to the riches of glory in another world.
Holy through new birth
Third, you are now holy. As a result, even with all of your flaws, God, because of what Christ did for you, a sinner, we can now dwell in His holy presence. You are now legally sanctified by Christ, or set apart by God the Father to real and perfect holiness; and are sanctified or cleansed from sin, by the blood and sacrifice of Christ; and are internally sanctified by the Holy Spirit.
Special to God
And fourth, you are special, beyond your wildest imagination, to God! We are God’s great treasure, His brilliant crown jewel, and a co-heir with Christ. And just how special are you? Well, the Creator of the universe thought so highly of you that He willing chose to die on a cross to redeem you from certain eternal death because His love for you was that great.
As a result of this incredible standing in Christ what should our response be? I believe, when we realize that we once lived in total darkness, and now have been transferred into His marvelous light, that we should do everything we can to show the world just how wonderful a Savoir we have in Jesus – or as (1 Peter 2:9) says: “that you may proclaim the praises of Him who called you out of darkness into His marvelous light.”
My friends, know this, that you are of infinite value to God!
A very encouraging word!