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Christianity and the Truth

Have you ever thought about what worldview do you believe in? According to my good friend Greg Enos: “A worldview is simply the set of beliefs that a person has about the biggest questions in life. It’s like a pair of glasses or lenses through which we view the world every day.”1 Greg goes on to say that some of the questions we all face in life include questions of origin, meaning, morality, and destiny. According to Greg a worldview provides truth claims about reality.2

When I was in college I held to a worldview of atheism and believed in Darwinian evolution. Looking back on those days I can honestly say that my atheistic and evolutionary beliefs were based much more on what my peers believed in than a close examination of the facts and evidence at hand. Today, as a Christian, I have found that the evidence for my current beliefs in God and divine creation are based on the absolute truths found in the holy Bible. I believe that Christianity is not only the best worldview, but the only one that has solid evidence to back it up. Whether from history, science, ethics and morality, prophecy, and any other discipline, Christianity and its truth claims about reality have stood the test of time.  

My friends I can’t think of a more wonderful worldview than the Christian one. It is full of joy and rich meaning and is so intellectually sound based on solid evidence. We can be confident that when we cast our lot with Jesus we have made a wise and life changing decision. And since Christianity claims to be the only divine truth given to man, all other worldviews, that contradict the Bible are by definition the opinions of men and false.

Other religious books as well as other worldviews such as communism are not authoritative truth like the Bible but the opinions of very fallible men. Men’s opinions are just that, conclusions based on what’s popular, feelings, faulty reasoning, and wishful thinking. These opinions are totally useless when it comes to questions like where did we come from and what happens to us at death. In these cases, only a transcendent supernatural source of truth, like the Bible, can give us these answers.

And without the proper worldview there can be little hope in finding deep meaning in life. Fortunately for us the Christian worldview is based on absolute, authoritative, and divine truth that promises us a rich and rewarding life now and a bright eternal future. And remember while worldviews come and go, Jesus is the same yesterday, today, and forever!

As Christians we are called not only to proclaim the truth but to defend it at all costs. J. C. Ryle said it well: “We are not called upon to be nothing but controversialists; but we never ought to be ashamed to testify to the truth as it is in Jesus, and to stand up boldly for Evangelical religion. We have the truth, and we need not be afraid to say so.”3

Christianity has always embraced faith, reason, and solid evidence. I think C. S. Lewis said it best: “Christianity, if false, is of no importance, and if true, of infinite importance. The only thing it cannot be is moderately important.”4 In closing, I side with the Scriptures when it says of itself: “Truth stands the test of time; lies are soon exposed.” (Proverbs 12:19 TLB).



3 Pharisees and Sadducees (

4 C. S. Lewis – Christianity, if false, is of no importance… (