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Creationist or Evolutionist – Whose Faith is Blind? – Part I

How did our universe come into being? How did man come into being? And is there any evidence to support any theory that can explain the answer to these questions? These are questions of origins and therefore cannot be answered by using the scientific method; which depends on observable and repeatable experimentation. So, the answer must come down to one of faith. When it comes to explaining origins, Christians cast their lot with the creation story of the Bible while evolutionists believe that Charles Darwin’s theory of evolution gives us the answer to the origin question. So, whose faith is really blind?

I will admit that the God of the Bible never tries to prove that He exists. His existence must be accepted by faith. In fact, the very first verse of the Bible, (Genesis 1:1) tells us that: “In the beginning God created the heavens and the earth.” In other words, God created the universe. As Christians we just accept this statement by faith since we can’t use the scientific method to prove or observe it.

But are we taking a leap into the dark or exercising blind faith, when as Christians, we stake our lives on this claim. And what about the origin of man? Well once again we read in (Genesis 2:7): “Then the Lord God formed a man from the dust of the ground and breathed into his nostrils the breath of life, and the man became a living being.” Is it possible that man was just formed fully human from the dust of the ground? Again, as Christians we choose to exercise faith to say yes to the biblical account.

Now what type of faith does the evolutionist need to believe in his theory? Since the theory of evolution can be summarized as follows: “Nobody times nothing equals everything,” it appears that his faith is more than blind – it’s absurd! The evolutionist’s faith is indeed blind because one of its main drivers is blind random chance as its creative engine. In reality the whole debate really comes down to the belief in the supernatural. As Christians we believe our universe and mankind are the product of supernatural events while the evolutionists believe in naturalism – a system that denies that the supernatural exists.

For the creationist, he simply follows the evidence wherever it leads; and he clearly believes that evidence leads to a supernatural Creator. (Psalm 19:1) declares: “The heavens tell of the glory of God; and their expanse declares the work of His hands.” As we contemplate the incredible beauty, vastness, and complexity of our universe it screams for some type of supernatural, all powerful and all intelligent Creator – period! The only other alternative is blind chance and since when does blind chance create anything special – never!

In tomorrow’s devotion we will continue to see whose faith is really blind.