The idea that one day several billion years ago in some primordial soupy liquid inanimate molecules happen to collide and by sheer chance produce a living entity, which over many eons of time evolved into human beings, is called Darwinian evolution. Others have defined evolution as nobody times nothing equals everything.
As I have shared in several past devotions to believe that nobody times nothing equals everything takes far more faith than to believe that: “In the beginning God created the heavens and the earth.” (Genesis 1:1). Whether you believe in Darwinian evolution or the biblical account of divine creation, since nobody today was there to see how life came into existence, both belief systems have to be accepted on faith. And which faith system you believe in has enormous implications.
Let’s take a look at both the creation account and the evolution account and their respective theologies:
Creation – A theology of meaningfulness
The biblical account of creation is rich and full of abundant meaning. First, we know from Scripture that we are created in the image of our Creator, for we read in (Genesis 1:27): “So God created mankind in his own image, in the image of God he created them; male and female he created them.” Neither animals nor angels are created in the image of God – only mankind is! God loved us so much that He created us in His own image. We are masterpieces of the Creator of the universe that no Picasso could ever paint or Rodin sculpt. We are image bearers of God and His ambassadors for Christ while here on earth. And as ambassadors we are entrusted by God to represent Him here on earth. What an awesome responsibility and privilege for God to think so highly of us that He would allow us to be reflectors of His glory here on planet earth. I can think of nothing more meaningful than this.
Second, we were created to have a personal relationship with our Creator. Just imagine the sovereign Lord of the universe wants to have a love relationship with you and me. He calls us His treasured possession (Deuteronomy 14:2), and I believe He cherishes His relationship with us. He invites us to enter into this incredible relationship by accepting Jesus into our hearts and having our relationship, which was broken in the Garden of Eden, fully restored. Imagine how special it is to be able to call God our Savior and heavenly Father. What incredible meaning to be able to worship and fellowship with the God of the universe!
And third, our relationship with the Lord is meant to be for all of eternity. As a result, our purpose in life and ultimate destiny will remain meaningful forever!
Evolution – A theology of meaninglessness
When it comes to believing in evolution it is important to note that some people, even some Christians, believe that there is a God and that He used evolution to bring mankind into existence. This belief system is called theistic evolution and quite frankly is an insult to the God of the Bible. To think that God used trial and error, survival of the fittest, and continuous death, to bring mankind into existence is, in my opinion, patently absurd.
But Darwinian evolution, which takes place without God, is one of the most morbid and meaningless worldviews a person can have.
First, evolution can’t answer the three big questions of life with any meaningful explanation. As far as where did we come from evolution says we came from nothing. As far as what happens when we die, evolution says, we go back to nothing. And as far as what is the purpose of life, evolution doesn’t understand that mankind, without a belief in God, will never find lasting meaning since we were created to have a relationship with the Lord. Or in the words of the great French mathematician and philosopher, Blaise Pascal, everyone is created with a spiritual vacuum that only Jesus Christ can fill.
And second, and I ask you to ponder just how morbid evolution really is by carefully examining the words of the late theologian R. C. Sproul: “If we emerge from the slime by accident and finally disintegrate into a void or abyss of nothingness, then we live our lives between two poles of absolute meaninglessness.”1
My friends if there is no God, morbid meaninglessness is your only option if you worship at the shrine of evolution. But praise God, the Lord does indeed exist, and has shattered this myth of meaninglessness and replaced it with meaning beyond our wildest dreams in the person of Jesus Christ! The Christian worldview is indeed a joyous one and as a former atheist, who believed in evolution, I am so glad that God delivered me 43 years ago from the kingdom of darkness into His marvelous kingdom of light!
1 R. C. Sproul – If we emerge from the slime by accident and… (bibleportal.com)