The late American biochemist and creationist, Duane Gish, once said: “Evolution is a fairy tale for grown-ups.”1 Adding to this theme the late apologist Ron Carlson summed it up best when he shared: “In grammar school they taught me that a frog turning into a prince was a fairy tale. In the university they taught me that a frog turning into a prince was a fact!”2
Fairy tales are often enchanting stories for children featuring improbable events leading to a happy ending. In the case of Darwinian evolution, I contend that this belief in how humanity came into existence, is a true adult fairy tale, a fantastic made-up story, that if carried to its logical conclusion has the least happy ending imaginable.
The Darwinian evolution fairy tale goes something like this: One day there existed absolutely nothing in the universe. There were no people or creatures and no matter or energy. What we had to begin with is nothing and nobody. And somehow a miracle occurred when nobody times nothing produced something! Evolutionists can’t explain this incredible miracle – they just accept it as a fact. They believe that the product of nobody times nothing, or something, was what started the beginning of everything we see today – plants, and animals, birds and bugs, and yes you and me!
So, for the Darwinian evolutionist this something was the key to the beginning of everything. But just what was this something? Their best case scenario is that 4.5 billion years ago, in some primordial, soupy, gaseous liquid, sparks began to fly, molecules coalesced, and through a miraculous event inanimate matter became alive – and the first single cell life form became our great-great-great-etc. ancestor. This fairy tale goes on to describe, how through more, chance collisions of molecules and cells, these tiny organisms, over vast periods of time, somehow managed to link themselves into primitive multi-cell creatures; that they in turn, over more eons, formed more complex organisms, and on and on it went. This tall-tale eventually ends 4.5 billion years later with the emergence of mankind.
In this creation fairy tale, the three main characters are blind chance, with its partner random collisions, mindless matter, and eons of time. In our story nobody and nothing, steal the show, by combining to create everything. The narrator of this fractured fairy tale ends with several questions, which he asks his audience to consider: One, could blind chance have created such incredible magnificence? Two, could random collisions have created genius? And three, could mindless matter have generated the marvelous minds we possess today?
As the curtain goes down on our fairy tale what can we conclude from this epic story? Well first, the main theme of nobody times nothing equals everything, leaves us concluding that we humans came from nothing and that when we die we go back to nothing and somehow in between these two states of nothingness, we must cram our short-lived existence. And second, with no God to believe in, since random chance and mindless matter, have replaced Him, man places himself as the supreme person in his universe, and spends the rest of his life searching for a reason for his existence. Searching every pathway, every byway, overturning every stone, examining every philosophy, and experiencing every feeling, as he comes to the end of his journey, the answer he finds is that none exists.
My friends, if this is mankind’s lot in life, then unlike most fairy tales, he will sadly, not live happily ever after. Evolution is a bankrupt worldview religion, that as I stated at the beginning, is a fairy tale for grown-ups. In tomorrow’s devotion we will examine a second alternative worldview that not only ends with a happy ending, but this ending is in reality just the beginning of a life of endless peace, joy, and bliss!
1 TOP 25 CREATION AND EVOLUTION QUOTES | A-Z Quotes (azquotes.com)
2 Ron Carlson quote: In grammar school they taught me that a frog turning… (azquotes.com)