Evolution is a theory in crisis and the wrong worldview based on the evidence. The theory of evolution is a bankrupt attempt to answer life’s big questions and sadly can’t do this in any meaningful way.
It does a very poor job of describing how life began and fails miserably to offer any satisfactory answer or hope to what happens when we die. In addition, the answer to the question, “what is our purpose in life,” forces the evolutionist to admit that since we are just a fortuitous chance accident, we are without any substantial meaning. If evolution is true, then this worldview states that we came from nothing and when we die we go back to nothing. Somehow we must find meaning in a meaningless and accidental universe.
Since the evolutionist has no god to believe in, he places himself as the supreme person within his universe while spending the rest of his life searching for a reason for his existence. Searching every pathway, every byway, overturning every stone, examining every philosophy, and experiencing every feeling, when he finally comes to the end of his journey, the answer he finds is that none exists!
Without a belief in a divine Creator, he must indeed lead a lonely life. By definition he must believe he has no soul and no immortality. Since he came into existence by chance, and not divine design, any meaning he finds in life is but a by-product of random occurrences. Even the great mysteries of our universe, that cause one to ponder just who we are and why we are here, are a closed corridor of thought to those who place God as something that exists only in one’s imagination.
And as far as evidence to support the theory of evolution goes, sadly for the evolutionist, none exists. Evolutionists have no clue on how life evolved from non-living chemicals. They can’t demonstrate how simple single cell organisms could evolve into higher orders of organisms since this would require an infusion of new complex information which can never come from even the most fortuitous mutation of cells. And finally, no one has ever discovered a transitional organism in the fossil records as evolutionist claim should exist.
In the final analysis the evolutionist wants you to believe that nobody times nothing equals everything instead of: “In the beginning God created the heavens and the earth.” (Genesis 1:1).
As far as all other world religions go, only Christianity paints a truthful picture of reality. All other world religions, state that man is inherently good and is able to fix all the problems of the world through more programs and better education. Christianity states that man is sinful and on his own can never solve our world problems. These other world religions, have man reaching up to god and doing good works to gain acceptance from their deity. Christianity, on the other hand, has God reaching down to man, through Jesus Christ, to save mankind from their sin and radically changing them so they can now become part of the solution to our world problems.
The reason why I believe Christianity should be considered by any reasonable open-minded seeker of truth is that it is testable, offers free salvation, has the best worldview fit of any religion, has the most unique and influential book ever written, the Bible, and the most compelling person who has ever walked on the face of the earth – Jesus Christ.
For example, Christianity, unlike other world religions, is testable historically. The Apostle Paul tells us quite boldly that if Jesus did not rise from the dead, which is the central core of Christianity, then our faith is useless. For we read:
“And if Christ has not been raised, our preaching is useless and so is your faith.” (1 Corinthians 15:14).
We can put Christianity and its central claim, the resurrection, to the test to see if it is historically true. If one can prove it is false then we can move on to another religion. Christianity not only allows us to test it but encourages us to examine it closely to determine its truthfulness. All other major religions just make various spiritual and non-spiritual claims that can’t be tested to be historically accurate; like the Christian worldview.
This worldview also explains many of our most perplexing issues of life such as the existence of evil in our world. For example, Christian Scientists deny the existence of evil and treat it as an illusion. Only Christianity can confront evil head on and share an ultimate solution to it.
Without a doubt when we compare Christianity and evolution, as worldviews, Christianity can be shown to be historically, scientifically, and prophetically accurate while evolution can’t even explain how we got here, where we go when we die, and what is the purpose of life. Evolution is absolutely morbid because you can’t have any real self-worth if you are only here by accident and just waiting to return back to dust. And if dust is your final eternal destination then what hope is there when you reach old-age.
Thankfully, the Bible has all the answers to life’s most fundamental questions while evolution has none. As Christians we know how we got here, where we are going, and why we are here. So, let’s share the good news that Jesus is the ultimate answer to every question!