Darwinian evolution has three main components that form the backbone of the theory. These three components are random mutation, natural selection, and enormous time. According to proponents of Darwinian evolution blind random chance working with natural selection over vast stretches of time have brought human beings into existence. I have several problems with Darwinian evolution but the biggest issue I have is with the idea that natural selection is a positive creative process that somehow over several billion years was able to go from simple protein molecules to a human being with blind chance acting as the go between.
First the definition of evolution – nobody times nothing equals everything makes no sense. According to natural selection we are to believe that a single protein molecule somehow was able to become a vastly complex single cell by blind random chance. A single cell is like a giant super miniature factory with hundreds of unique parts performing complex biochemical processes in nanoseconds. How could blind chance have created such magnificent complexity as a single cell? And how could random collisions of molecules have created the genius of the single cell? The answer according to Darwinian evolution can be found in the creative process of natural selection.
We are made to believe that these random collisions of molecules acting without any intelligence were able to produce such sophisticated substances that our smartest scientists today cannot even duplicate. It is almost as if blind random chance has more intelligence than we humans possess. Natural selection works by finding a competitive advantage through the chance collision of molecules that allows for more complexity. We are told that given enough time that we should expect a single protein molecule to become a single cell and then with more time to become a 30 trillion cell human being! There simply is no evidence to support this wild eyed science fiction scenario but we are told to believe that this theory makes perfect sense.
Think of it this way if I were to take my I phone apart into all of its components and put them all in a box and begin to shake the box how long would it takes before I would be able to get my I phone back? Most would say that you could shake the box forever and you would never get an I phone. But yet all of the components are present in the box so it is only logical that natural selection should be able with enough time to reassemble my I phone. All the parts are there to start with which means natural selection has what it needs to begin its creative process. This is already a great advantage for natural selection since in the case of going from a protein molecule to a single cell none of the cell parts are there to start with and natural selection must create them out of thin air. This is not only unnatural but impossible.
In my humble opinion it takes far more faith to believe that nobody times nothing equals everything than to believe that “In the beginning God created the heavens and the earth.”
To build on this idea of “random collisions of molecules” creating more complex molecular structures over time, the evolutionist, at the same time, must also address Darwin’s theory of the “change of kind.”
This video shows how bankrupt today’s leading evolutionist scholars are when asked this one question. Try this out on your friends who have never thought beyond the usual talking points of evolutionary theory. Does the saying, “deer in the headlights” ring a bell?