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Faithful or Popular – Take Your Pick

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As Christians we are called to be faithful to the Lord. But just what does being faithful look like? Well for starters it means that we use our gifts, talents, and time in ways that lift up the name of Jesus and spread the gospel. A faithful servant of the Lord is also someone who puts the glory of Jesus ahead of his own agenda and is willing to sacrifice comforts and pleasures in this life to help build up the kingdom of God. Finally, a faithful believer in Christ is more content with being persecuted for the sake of the gospel than in being popular.

Pastor John MacArthur paints a vivid picture of what being a faithful Christian looks like when he shared the following: “Almost no one tolerates the exclusivity and supremacy of Christ these days, even some who profess to be Christians. The message of the cross is not politically correct—it’s the singularity of the gospel, on top of everything else, that bothers people. Can you imagine for a moment what might happen if a celebrity or political leader just said, “I’m a Christian and if you’re not, you’re going to hell”? Yikes! And then imagine if he said, “All the Muslims, Hindus, Buddhists, and all the people who believe they can earn salvation, whether liberal Protestants or Roman Catholics, and all the Mormons and Jehovah’s Witnesses—you’re all going to eternal hell. But I care about you so much, I want to give you the gospel of Jesus Christ, because it is far more important than wars in the Middle East, terrorism, or any domestic policy.” You can’t be faithful and popular, so take your pick.”1

While we all would like to be popular with our fellow man, it is often not possible to be popular with both God and man. The more I walk with the Lord the more I realize that the most important person I want to be popular with is Jesus Christ. However, being popular with Christ often comes with a heavy price. And what I mean by this is that a faithful Christian must, most of the time when sharing Christ, be prepared for rejection, being called intolerant, and even persecution.

Thankfully, when we are rejected and ostracized, we can take great comfort in knowing that we are not only pleasing God by sharing Christ, but accruing for ourselves great joy and amazing treasures in heaven. Scripture clearly tells us that when we are rejected by man we should rejoice for we read: “Blessed are you when they revile and persecute you, and say all kinds of evil against you falsely for My sake. Rejoice and be exceedingly glad, for great is your reward in heaven, for so they persecuted the prophets who were before you.” (Matthew 5:11-12).

These two verses from Matthew need to be memorized by every Christian who desires to share the gospel. For in my book being popular with God, experiencing great joy, and realizing that we are accumulating great eternal treasures, trump popularity with man every time. Not only that but knowing that some will come to Jesus because of our faithful sharing of the gospel, will make us extremely popular with those we lead to Christ.

In the final analysis we serve and are ultimately accountable to an audience of one – Jesus Christ. And if we are faithful to our calling we will be pleasing and popular with God – and that my friends will flood your heart and soul with unspeakable joy!

1 Inspirational Quotes by John MacArthur – page 7 (

2 thoughts on “Faithful or Popular – Take Your Pick

  1. Happy spiritual birthday Curt! I’m so glad the Lord called you to be His. Thanks for all the wisdom you have imparted on many, including this devotional that I’m sure has touched countless lives. Your journey from atheist to Christ follower is to be celebrated today! Praise the Lord and happy spiritual birthday!!!

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