Frank Viola (1964 – present) is an American Christian author, speaker, and blogger who has a passion for getting people to fall in love with Jesus. He also is passionate about helping the poor and the homeless. He has authored over 20 books, written over 1,000 blog articles, and has appeared in over 300 podcasts. He has a wonderful way of presenting the gospel and getting people to understand that Christianity is not just a religion but a relationship with Jesus. Below are many of his quotes that I pray will help you grow as you walk with Jesus.
“It doesn’t matter what you’ve done or how bad you’ve failed, Jesus Christ is bigger than all your foul-ups, and His mercy and grace loom larger than any sin you’ve ever committed.”1
“In short, the goal of the gospel is not to get you out of hell and into heaven, but to get God out of heaven and into you so that He may be displayed visibly and glorified in His creation.”
“The end product of biblical Christianity is a person—not a book, not a building, not a set of principles or a system of ethics—but one person in two natures (divine/human) with four ministries (prophet/priest/king/sage) and four biographies (the Gospels). But those four biographies don’t tell the whole story. Every bit of Scripture is part of the same great story of that one person and that one story’s plotline of creation, revelation, redemption, and consummation.”
“Within the triune God we discover mutual love, mutual fellowship, mutual dependence, mutual honor, mutual submission, mutual dwelling, and authentic community. In the Godhead there exists an eternal, complementary, and reciprocal interchange of divine life, divine love, and divine fellowship.”
“You cannot be around Jesus Christ for very long without changing. His presence transforms.”
“Sin and love are exact opposites. Love is benefiting others at the expense of yourself. Sin is benefiting yourself at the expense of others. Sin is selfishness; love is selflessness.”
“The moment He set me free is the moment He captured me.”
“Someone once said that you don’t hold a grudge. It holds you. Holding a grudge is self-inflicted pain. Consequently, bitterness doesn’t imprison those who hurt you. It imprisons you.”
“The Lord has a unique way of preparing His servants for His work. It’s one that involves transformation. And transformation always involves emptying, suffering, and loss. Humanity’s way is to hand you a method. Divinity’s way is to hand you a cross.”
“Note that there is a monumental difference between well-motivated humans working for God in their own strength, wisdom, and power versus God working through humans.”
“As we survey church history, we discover that A. W. Tozer’s piercing observation is most accurate: ‘All great Christians have been wounded souls.’”
“God’s idea of ministry training is a broken vessel. His idea of spiritual preparation is suffering, which includes rejection.”
“The One who touched lepers and dead bodies wasn’t afraid of getting His holy hands dirty with the problems of this fallen world.”
“In short, extensive Bible knowledge, a high-powered intellect, and razor-sharp reasoning skills do not automatically produce spiritual men and women who know Jesus Christ profoundly and who can impart a life-giving revelation of Him to others.”
“The devil ought not to be in our line of vision but in our shadow.”
“There is within you a yearning for the divine that nothing else can satisfy.”
1 All of the following quotes are from the websites below: