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Over the years I have seen many Christians forfeit the joys that following Jesus should always bring because they let circumstances determine whether they will be thankful or not. But thankfulness should never depend on the circumstances we find ourselves in but in the God we serve. And since God is always worthy to be praised because of His great love for us, let’s choose gratitude as our moment by moment attitude in life.

In today’s short devotion I would like to leave you with four special quotes on gratitude that I pray, you not only meditate on, but use them as springboards to launch out into a lifestyle of gratitude and thanksgiving for the myriad of blessings our awesome God has showered us with. Not only that but giving thanks to God keeps our hearts in right relationship with Him and saves us from a host of harmful emotions that will rob us of the peace and joy of God that is our new birthright as children of God.

“True gratitude must be rooted in something else that comes first, namely, a delight in the beauty and excellency of God’s character.” ― John Piper1

“Gratitude is an offering precious in the sight of God, and it is one that the poorest of us can make and be not poorer but richer for having made it.” – A.W. Tozer2

“Spiritual joy is what you experience when you choose to give thanks to God no matter what happens – even when things go wrong.” – Jim George3

“The grateful heart is like a magnet sweeping over the day, collecting reasons for gratitude.” – Max Lucado4

1 Inspirational Quotes by John Piper – page 44

2 A.W. Tozer: Gratitude is a gift that enriches the giver – Generosity Monk

3 Quote by Jim George: “Spiritual joy is what you experience when you c…”

4 An Attitude of Gratitude – FaithGateway