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How To Overcome Envy and Jealousy

As Christians we are no longer under the bondage of sin but depending on how close our walk with Jesus is will ultimately determine, I believe, how much we have mastery over sin. Let’s face it even as Christians we still sin and sometimes our sins can be large and even besetting. And two of the most difficult sins to overcome for many Christians are the sins of envy and jealousy.

I know in my own life at times I have struggled with wanting to be able to have a bigger apologetics ministry and envy some of the more established apologists. When these thoughts of envy and jealousy come up I am learning that the best way to overcome them is to pray to Jesus to draw me closer to Him and help me to realize that the more content I am in Christ the less I will want to have what others have. I love how Jerry Bridges put it when he remarked: “The cure for the sin of envy and jealousy is to find our contentment in God.”1

The more content I am in Christ the more peace and joy will surround me and the less I will strive to want what others have. Another thing I find very helpful is that rather than be envious of others I choose to pray for them that the Lord would bless them and use them to bring more glory to the Lord. When I do this I take the focus off myself and place it on advancing the kingdom of God through others. And in the last analysis that should always be our focus to see God glorified through whatever instruments He chooses.

As I draw closer to Jesus I am learning that true contentment in life will only come from deepening my relationship with my Savior. And as my relationship with Him grows stronger and closer I no longer need to have things and the approval of men to give me purpose and joy since Jesus is the true and most wonderful joy giver known to man.

So my friend if you are struggling with the sins of envy and jealousy draw closer to Christ and experience what true contentment is like. And the more content you are the less you will want what others have since you will have everything in Christ!

1 25 Jerry Bridges Quotes |

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