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How To Overcome Stress Biblically

How one handles stress is a key factor to our overall health – both mentally and physically. I don’t believe it is an understatement to say that stress is a major killer in our fast-paced American society today. It has been scientifically proven that stress can cause heart disease, cancer, high blood pressure, diabetes, stomach problems, and a host of other physical ailments. In addition, an improper handling of stress can lead to anxiety and even depression.

Since God created you it is only natural that He knows how you can function with minimal stress. And praise God He has left us with a book that has all the answers on how to deal with stress – the Bible. May the following stress reduction verses arm you with everything you need to live a virtually stress-free life.

Before I share these Scriptural prescriptions to reduce and eliminate stress there is one prerequisite that is needed – we must come to Jesus. Without a deep and personal relationship with Christ we will never truly be able to find rest for our souls since each of us are created with the ultimate purpose to know and glorify God. If we don’t know Jesus then life will never have real purpose and we will always be searching for meaning that can only be found in Christ. I believe the number one reason most people handle stress badly is that they don’t know who they are in Christ and who Christ is in them. So, knowing Christ is a must to handling stress properly.

But sadly, many Christians still struggle with stress because they have not learned to take the burdens they are carrying and give them over to Jesus.

Scriptural prescription #1

We read in (I Peter 5:7): “Cast all your anxiety on him because he cares for you.” We were never meant to live a life full of anxiety. It is so important to realize that God has your back and you can give Him all of your cares, concerns, and anxiety – He is more than capable to deal with them while we are not.

Scriptural prescription #2

(Matthew 11:28-30) tells us: “Come to me, all you who are weary and burdened, and I will give you rest. Take my yoke upon you and learn from me, for I am gentle and humble in heart, and you will find rest for your souls. For my yoke is easy and my burden is light.” Jesus tells us to come to Him and be yoked to Him. In biblical times two ox’s were paired together and put in a harness type device called a yoke. Many times, an older experienced ox was yoked with a young inexperienced ox. The older ox could train the younger ox and many times would carry and pull the majority of the load. This is a beautiful picture of letting Jesus teach and disciple us. When we let Jesus lead there is peace in not having to figure life out on our own. There’s assurance as we follow His lead. And know this, if I’m yoked to Jesus, there’s peace in being yoked to someone good, loving, and patient.

Scriptural prescription #3

Our last example of stress reduction can be found in (Philippians 4:6-7): “Do not be anxious about anything, but in every situation, by prayer and petition, with thanksgiving, present your requests to God. And the peace of God, which transcends all understanding, will guard your hearts and your minds in Christ Jesus.” It is so important to talk to God in prayer and let Him know all of your concerns. When we trust Jesus, we can have great peace in knowing He is in control of your situation. And don’t forget to always be thankful!

In our world today, whether you know Jesus or not, trials and sufferings are guaranteed to come your way. The key is how we react to them. When we know Jesus and turn our fears and concerns over to Him our burdens become so much lighter. Not only that but when we pray and offer thanksgiving to Christ, we will gain a great amount of peace and joy – even though our issues may still remain. For you see true peace is not the absence of trials but being in the presence of Jesus!