It goes without saying that as a Christian our number one passion should be to want to do everything in our power to please our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ. How could we want to do otherwise when we consider all of the blessings He has showered us with.
I know in my own life when I reflect on all that Jesus has done for me my heart becomes so full of gratitude that everything within me wants to thank and praise my Lord.
Fellow Christian take a moment to consider the following blessings that are ours in Christ: We are given eternal life. God has promised to forgive all of our sins – which are many! He has allowed us to have sweet fellowship with other believers. We can read His precious Word for guidance, comfort, and to get know Jesus better. We can talk and pray to God 24/7. God promises us, as we walk in obedience to Him, great joy and peace, even when we go through trials. Perfect health is ours when we reach the celestial shores of heaven. And we are given countless opportunities to glorify His name – which is the highest privilege ever given to man.
When we reflect on all of these blessings praise, thanksgiving, adoration, and reverence should be the natural response for those who know Jesus. Sadly, so often we spend too much time thinking and worrying about the trials and issues of life that we take our eyes off of just how incredibly blessed we really are. I love what we read in (Colossians 3:1-2): “Since, then, you have been raised with Christ, set your hearts on things above, where Christ is, seated at the right hand of God. Set your minds on things above, not on earthly things.” We need to train our hearts and minds to reflect and realize that we live in a world where true peace, joy, and meaning are possible when we become Jesus conscious and not worldly focused.
With so many blessings to consider as children of God, we need to encourage one another daily to live our entire lives to the glory of God and simply to spend our waking hours just enjoying the presence of Jesus.
My friends if you want to please Jesus then set your hearts and minds on things above, treat everyone with love, share the gospel as the Lord opens up opportunities, spend time in communion with the Lord through prayer, praise, and worship, and most importantly do everything in our power to advance the kingdom of God and glorify the name of Jesus. I believe when we follow this prescription we will put a smile on the face of God and what can be more wonderful than that!
Conversely, one other way we can look at how to please Jesus can be seen in the following quote from J. C. Ryle: “Do nothing that you would not like God to see. Say nothing you would not like God to hear. Write nothing you would not like God to read. Go no place where you would not like God to find you. Read no book of which you would not like God to say, ‘Show it to Me.’ Never spend your time in such a way that you would not like to have God say, ‘What are you doing?’”1 Ryle’s advice is simply good medicine for the soul and should be wisely followed.
So, in conclusion, if you want to please Jesus, do everything to the glory of God and nothing to the glory of self!
1 Quote by J.C. Ryle: “Do nothing that you would not like God to see. …”
Well said. My journal entry for this post is: “Do everything to please Jesus, and nothing to please self—->perfect sanctification=perfect joy and peace.”
When I think of the goodness of Jesus and all that He’s done for me. My very soul cries out HALLELUJAH. I thank God for saving me. Bishop G.E. Patterson