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I Don’t Have Enough Faith to Be an Atheist

The above devotion title is the name of one of my favorite apologetics books written by Norman L. Geisler and Frank Turek.1 In this thought provoking book the authors give many interesting reasons why it takes far more faith to believe that there is no God than to believe that there is a God.

On my own journey from atheism to Christian faith I have had to totally abandon many of my past arguments for the non-existence of God based on the avalanche of evidence showing that the God of the Bible does indeed exist. Below are three of my best arguments for the existence of God and the reliability of the Bible.

Argument #1 – Nothing can’t create anything

As I have shared in several past devotions the evolutionist mantra is nobody times nothing equals everything. For the atheist if there is no God then by definition the universe had to come from nothing. This idea makes no sense and takes a lot of faith to believe. I am much more comfortable to believe in (Genesis 1:1): “In the beginning God created the heavens and the earth.” While the atheist is quick to counter: “then who created God,” this is easy to answer. God always existed from eternity past. I believe this because for a God to have had the power to just speak the word and create our incredibly complex universe, He must possess infinite power and intellect – and who am I to tell such a Being that He couldn’t have always existed. An infinitely all-knowing and powerful God doesn’t need to explain how He could always have existed to a finite being, possessing very limited intellect, such as myself. And even if he could explain it I wouldn’t be able to comprehend it.

Argument #2 – The Bible – scientifically ahead of its time

Now what about the scientific accuracy of the Bible. I contend that whenever the Bible speaks about science it is always accurate. Not only that but one of the greatest proofs that the Bible is a supernatural book is that there are many things written in the word of God that were not discovered to be scientifically accurate until sometimes hundreds and even thousands of years later.

Apologist, Charlie Campbell, shared this thought well: “The men who penned the Scriptures revealed several amazing facts about the Earth and the universe thousands of years before scientists discovered these declarations to be true. This is astounding!…These men lived two, three, four thousand years before the invention of the telescope, microscopes, satellites, deep-diving submarines, and other technologies were around…So how did they know these things? They had ‘inside information’ from the One who created the universe.”2

Argument #3 – DNA and proteins – The impossible dilemma

I believe that it takes far more faith to believe in the atheistic evolutionary viewpoint than the creation point of view. And the reason is DNA. In order to have life we need the basic building blocks of a cell – protein molecules. And here is where the rub comes in for our atheist friends. For we know that DNA relies on proteins for its production but proteins rely on DNA for their production. So, the question arises which came first, proteins or DNA? Clearly one must already be in existence for the other to be made. This impossible dilemma can’t be solved through man-made logic but only by an all-powerful God who created both DNA and proteins together. I ask you to ponder your choices.

1 Norman L. Geisler and Frank Turek, I Don’t Have Enough Faith to Be an Atheist (Wheaton, Illinois: Crossway, 2004)

2 Apologetics Quotes | Norman Geisler, Josh McDowell, Lee Strobel, etc. | Norman Geisler, Josh McDowell, Lee Strobel, etc. (

1 thought on “I Don’t Have Enough Faith to Be an Atheist

  1. Dennis Phillips says:

    Geisler’s and Turek”s book is one of my favorite as well. I have a Ph.D. in chemistry. I spent my career teaching and performing scientific R&D. I was raised in Christian home and was exposed to the full gospel from my earliest childhood; and made a decision for Christ when I was 7 yers old. However, when I began my studies in chemistry, physics, and biology in High School, I realized that the secular view of chance and time creating life which I was being taught, conflicted with the clear biblical statement that in the beginning God created the heavens and the earth. The neo-Darwinistic indoctrination continued throughout my post secondary training. I realized that these two worldviews could not simultaneously be true. I became agnostic, not knowing which was true. Both views seem impossible; but I knew one of them had to be true: Either God is or God isn’t. Long story short, in September of 1990, God used a seminar called Back to Genesis sponsored by the Institute for Creation Research to open my eyes. He used their powerful arguments presented in the seminar, to show me that the Bible is fully reconcilable with true science and revealed to me the folly of the “story” of evolution giving rise to all species. I realized that it took a lot more faith to believe we came from nothing by chance, than to believe that we came from an all-knowing, all powerful and eternal God, as the Bible teaches from Genesis 1:1 to Revelation 22:21. I have studied many apologetics books since that first ICR event (I have attended many others over the years). When “I Don’t Have Enough Faith to be an Atheist” was published in 2004, it became one of my favorite tools for witnessing to my chemistry students because of the easy to understand depth and breadth of the arguments by Geisler and Turek.

    As a chemist, one of the most convincing arguments to me for Divine Creation of life is what you present in your “Argument #3”. In 2009, Stephen C. Meyer published “Signature in the Cell: DNA and the Evidence for Intelligent Design”. Meyer’s arguments are very powerful. The rigorous, yet accessible, detail and depth in this well documented book provides a very convincing apologetic for the existence of a Divine Designer. I have used this book to witness not only to students, but to several of my scientific colleagues. I highly recommend it to anyone who is open-mindedly seeking the answer to where we came from.

    Thank you for your faithfulness in writing your blog; God uses your words every day to continue to increase my faith in Him.

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