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In God We Trust

Most Americans are probably unaware that they are almost constantly carrying this phrase with them, wherever they go throughout the day. In 1864 our government leaders acknowledged the important role God played in making our nation great by placing the phrase “IN GOD WE TRUST” on every coin minted.

It was as if they were paying tribute to God for the blessings, He had already bestowed upon them, as well as showing confidence that He would continue to bless them in the future. The next time you put your hand in your pocket or pocketbook, pull out a coin, any coin, and see how each one you choose proudly displays such an important part of our American heritage.

Sadly, just as our courts ruled in the early 1960’s that we can no longer have Bible reading and prayer in our United States public schools, there is a current movement underfoot to remove the phrase “IN GOD WE TRUST” from our US coins. So far these attempts by various individuals and groups have been unsuccessful but seeing the way our country is going it may not be too long before “IN GOD WE TRUST,” our national motto, is erased from our coinage. Let’s pray that this never happens and that our official US motto continues to be a beacon in a country that continues to slip into more and more darkness.