If one studies the beliefs of the scientists who have won the Nobel Prize in the sciences it becomes evident that contrary to what many believe, many of these great geniuses have a firm belief in God.
One such individual, Arthur Compton, who won the 1927 Nobel Prize in Physics, understood that our universe is so orderly and complex that it is sheer folly to think that it could have come into existence without the creative genius of a super intelligence orchestrating the entire process. Compton eloquently stated his belief as follows: “For myself, faith begins with a realization that a supreme intelligence brought the universe into being and created man. It is not difficult for me to have this faith, for it is incontrovertible that where there is a plan there is intelligence—an orderly, unfolding universe testifies to the truth of the most majestic statement ever uttered—-‘In the beginning God.’”1
Science has clearly demonstrated that our universe did indeed have a beginning but the discipline of science is incapable of comprehending that the God who created the universe didn’t have a beginning. For this concept of existing before a beginning lies outside the realm of science. For God is eternal, existing before time began and will continue to exist once time concludes.
Logic tells us that everything that exists must have a cause and a beginning but logic is not capable of explaining how our universe, which once didn’t exist, could have come into existence. In fact the only logical conclusion to the creation of the universe is found in (Genesis 1:1): “In the beginning God created the heavens and the earth.” To hold to the idea, which sadly many scientists still believe, that in the beginning there was nothing and somehow nothing by itself created everything makes no sense at all.
Many scientists still believe that evolution was the mode that brought about mankind into this universe. Evolutionists, however, quickly run into problems in trying to explain origins. They contend that we evolved from simpler life forms, which over great expanses of time became more and more complex until humanity came about. They can offer us no clues, however, as to where the original inanimate matter came from.
Scientific theories such as the Big Bang bring us a little closer to the ultimate beginning of the universe. They, at least, postulate that somehow there was some sort of matter in existence, before it became everything. But, on logical grounds alone, the Bible goes the final step by acknowledging “that what is seen (our universe) was not made out of things which are visible.”
In other words, there was nothing there to start with except God. But to have made a universe of such incredible size, amazing complexity, perfect orderliness, fabulous mysteries, and awesome beauty would have required a force of indescribable creative genius, possessing unlimited power and intellect that no finite mind (such as we possess) could ever completely fathom. This above description basically defines the God of the Bible, who created the stars, planets, mountains, trees, animals and, yes, you and me. You are clearly here because God created you—not by chance, but by deliberate design.
My friends we are only given two choices as to how our universe came into existence. We can either believe that, in the beginning God, or nobody times nothing equals everything. I ask you to consider your choices!
1 Evidence of the Design of the Universe through the Anthropic Principle (ideacenter.org)