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Jesus – Fully God, Fully Man – Fully Amazing!

As the second person of the Trinity Jesus Christ is fully God. He is not one of three Gods or a part of God – but He is fully God. You might ask how can the Father be fully God, the Son be fully God, and the Holy Spirit be fully God? Well, that’s the great mystery of the Trinity. As Christians we can’t fully comprehend this truth but we don’t have to. Our role is to trust the clear teachings of the Bible that God is not three separate Gods but one God with three separate manifestations.

But the Scriptures also teach us that Jesus was fully human. Over 2,000 years ago He took on human form and became a man. Another mystery is how can Jesus be 100% God and 100% man. Again, we will never fully comprehend this truth but our role as Christians is to trust the Scriptures even when our finite minds can’t fully comprehend everything in them.

John MacArthur shares an excellent insight on just what kind of man Jesus would be when he says: 

“If God became incarnate, what kind of man would He be?…We would expect Him to be sinless; we would expect him to be holy; we would expect His words to be the greatest words ever spoken; we would expect Him to exert a profound power over human personality; we would expect Him to perform supernatural doings; and we would expect Him to manifest the love of God. Of all human beings who have ever lived, Jesus Christ alone met all of those criteria.”1

Since Jesus is fully God and fully man what should our response be? I believe, we should stand in awe and be fully amazed! I stand in awe and amazement for several reasons.

First, I stand in awe at God’s omnipotence. Imagine that before we had a universe there was nothing there to start with except God. But to have made a universe of such incredible size, amazing complexity, perfect orderliness, fabulous mysteries, and awesome beauty would have required a force of indescribable creative genius, possessing unlimited power and intellect that no finite mind (such as we possess) could ever completely fathom. The above description basically defines the God of the Bible, who created the stars, planets, mountains, trees, animals and, yes, you and me. The amazing thing is that we are clearly here because God created us – not by chance, but by deliberate divine design.

Second, I stand in awe at how God can care for over seven billion human beings all at once. Imagine how God created the entire planet of seven billion plus people and that he cares for and made all 30 trillion cells within each one of his seven billion created human beings. Do the math – that’s seven billion times 30 trillion and yet God is intimately involved with each and every one of these tiny factories called cells. God tells us in (Matthew 10:30): “And even the very hairs of your head are all numbered.” In today’s high-tech era I like to say that even the very cells in your body are numbered!

And third, and perhaps, the most awesome thing of all, is to contemplate that the Creator of the universe, left His throne in heaven, took on human flesh, and suffered and died to save me, a filthy, rotten sinner, from certain eternal death. Now that is truly amazing!

1 John MacArthur | God does not believe in atheists (

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