There is nothing more precious than having a best friend. When I think of Jesus as my best friend my heart just overflows with joy and delight. In today’s devotion I just felt like putting words to what my heart would love to say if it could speak in the form of a poem which I have entitled, Jesus – My Best Friend.
Jesus – My Best Friend
Friends are special but only one can be best,
His name is Jesus, He’s the shepherd that gives me rest.
He came to save me from my sin and despair,
To make me royalty and pronounce me a joint-heir.
He died on Calvary’s cross to change my eternal destiny,
Now I’m His friend and no longer His enemy.
My future is now bright and full of delight,
Since I have accepted Jesus as my true source of light.
Jesus paid the debt I could never have paid,
Now I can live my life without being afraid.
He’s like a friend that sticks closer than a brother,
His love for me is like none other.
I have never experienced such love for my soul,
Thanks to Jesus my broken spirit has now been made whole.
I used to have questions on why I am here,
But now Jesus has made everything so crystal clear.
I was made in God’s imagine so I could glorify His name,
Jesus, whose equal to God, their one and the same.
What an honor and privilege to worship my Lord,
To sing hallelujah with all the saints in one accord.
I am so fortunate to have Jesus as my best friend,
And to know that this relationship will never have an end.
He died on Calvary’s cross so I could live forever,
Now we are best friends that nothing can ever sever.