In life there is little doubt that it can be cruel and quite unfair. Take for example someone who is born with no arms. That person will have to face many incredible challenges growing up. Or take a young man in his twenties that loses his eyesight in a car accident. And what about the millions of children that go to bed hungry every night around the world today. Clearly for these individuals, life seems quite unfair. But my contention is that while life can be unfair, Jesus is more than fair. Just how can this be?
Well, first, it is important to understand why life is unfair. It is basically because of sin. When sin entered the world through Adam and Eve’s disobedience to God, our world became cursed and everything since then has gone haywire. From sickness and crime, to natural disasters and death, our world is riddled with inequities that effect countless millions of people. Sin has clearly marred the beautiful world that existed in the Garden of Eden. Death will take all of us one day – the only question is when. Whether we live to be twenty or ninety, whether we are rich or poor, and whether we are healthy or sickly, death will one day take all of us, whether we like it or not.
Everything, however, depends on the perspective we view life from. A Christian, who had a severe degenerative muscle disease, once said, that though his condition was permanent and terminal, it was only temporary. For you see he knew that no matter how bad a shake he got in this life, because he knew Jesus, one day when he succumbed to death, he would again live forever, and this time with a perfectly healthy body. And that’s why Jesus is the great equalizer. You see, because of sin, life will always be filled with unfairness. But because Jesus promises to make right every bad situation, one day at death, life takes on a special fairness when we consider that we will be made wonderfully whole on the other side of eternity. No matter how much suffering you may have to go through in this life, Christ promises at death, you will be fully restored and resurrected to newness of life, where the reality of (Revelation 21:4) will become the great equalizer, because of what Jesus did on the cross for you: “And God will wipe away every tear from their eyes; there shall be no more death, nor sorrow, nor crying. There shall be no more pain, for the former things have passed away.”