Mention the name God and very few people have strong emotions. But mention the name Jesus and you are sure to get a strong reaction – either very positive or very negative. For you see God can be anything your mind can dream up. But Jesus is God incarnate and is unique in so many ways. For those who love Jesus it’s because Jesus embodies everything that is good and that they want to emulate and become. But for those who hate Jesus, it’s because He condemns the sins so many want to indulge in and enjoy. And while it is true millions worship Jesus today as God, over 200,000 people are martyred each year for this same worship. Just mention Jesus and often strong reactions are bound to follow.
There just is no one like Jesus! Below are ten reasons I believe Jesus is truly unique.
First, Jesus is 100% God and 100% man. No other God ever claimed to be fully both. How can someone be 100% both? That is just one of the great mysteries of our Lord.
Second, Jesus was the second member of the Trinity. Jesus, like the Father and the Holy Spirit are each 100% God. Again, this is a divine mystery that we will never fully be able to comprehend with our finite human minds.
Third, Jesus’ teachings are the purest teachings on ethics that have ever been spoken by anyone on planet Earth. His wisdom is so profound that not even Solomon can compare with his sage teachings.
Fourth, Jesus could perform incredible miracles at will and yet weep when He saw how hurting humanity is.
Fifth, Jesus’ compassion for people was so great that He was willing to go to the cross even for His enemies!
Sixth, only Jesus existed before time began and will exist after time ends.
Seventh, Jesus didn’t need anything from us but was willing to give up everything, including His life for us.
Eighth, Jesus proved that the absolute worst thing that ever happened in the world, the death of God, Himself, resulted in the absolute best thing that could ever happen in the world – rescuing mankind from eternal damnation.
Nineth, Jesus redefined our ultimate purpose in life – which is to glorify God and to enjoy Him forever.
And tenth, no one could have ever created a person who was so unique as Jesus – except the one true God who is Jesus, Himself!
Another beautiful, profound devotional! Thank you, Curt!
That’s our incomparable Jesus!!! To Him be all the glory!🙌