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Just How Much Is a Soul Worth?

Just how much are you worth? If we were to add up all of your weekly paychecks, by year end, most people would find that they earned anywhere from $20,000 to $100,000. This is one way of looking at how much you are worth.

Many people, when they take inventory of their financial position, realize if they were to die, their spouse would be the beneficiary of their life insurance policy proceeds. With the advent of “term life insurance,” many people now have $500,000 policies. Viewing it from this angle, your worth would now carry a price tag of $500,000.

A chemist one day investigated how much all the different substances that make up the human body are worth. Distilling us down into the very elements we are composed of, he found that if we sold all of them on the open market, including the rare elements we all are made from, we would be worth about $5,000,000.

But, may I challenge you to consider that you are worth far more than even $5,000,000! In fact most of us are billionaires today, and don’t even know it. Before you say that your bank account would certainly indicate otherwise, think about the following: Would you be willing to accept a tax free gift of one billion dollars! The only stipulation is that in return for this gift, you would have to forfeit your eyesight!

With one billion dollars you could do everything you ever dreamed of. Only you would have to do it in a complete lifetime of darkness. Most people, I believe, would refuse to make this deal – thus acknowledging how rich they really are.

But there is a Scripture verse that I will quote later, that places your worth still much higher than this. If you, all of a sudden, were to lose one of your legs, you would still be you. If you lost both of your legs, your name wouldn’t change. Even if you were to lose both legs and both arms, your very essence wouldn’t change one bit. This is because your personality, your thoughts, your emotions, and your will are all intangible and invisible, yet vital to describing who you really are. Your external frame just provides a covering for the real you. At the very core of who you are, lies what the Bible calls your soul – your very essence.

The Bible verse I mentioned I would share earlier is (Mark 8:36) which says: “For what does it profit a man to gain the whole world, and forfeit his soul?” Clearly the Bible realizes that your soul is worth more than the entire world! Think about it, you could own our entire planet, but if when you die, your soul becomes no more, or as the Bible states, can become eternally separated from God, just where would that leave you.

Just how much are you worth? From everything we have shared so far your value is infinite! I ask you to take a little time to ponder just how valuable and wealthy you really are.

So often Satan places before us a sea of trivial problems that serve to distract our minds from truly realizing just how incredibly blessed we are; and who we are in Christ.

From what perspective we view ourselves holds so many of the keys to a joyful and peaceful life. Satan always tries to show us what we don’t have or what we need to be happy, but I would rather spend my time reflecting on how truly rich I really am and who I am in Christ.

1 thought on “Just How Much Is a Soul Worth?

  1. Curt,

    This might be my favorite one yet! I always tell my students the little things we have in life are what matter and so no matter what we should be grateful but this said it so much better. I hope you don’t mind but I’m totally stealing this and sharing it with my students.
    Thank you for your amazing spirit.
    God Bless and miss you hope all is well.

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