“God has provided enough evidence in this life to convince anyone willing to believe, yet he has also left some ambiguity so as not to compel the unwilling.”1
“Augustine was right when he said that we love the truth when it enlightens us, but we hate it when it convicts us.”
“Truth is discovered, not invented. It exists independent of anyone’s knowledge of it. (Gravity existed prior to Newton.)”
“If something is true, it’s true for all people, at all times, in all places. All truth claims are absolute, narrow, and exclusive.”
“God overrules the evil intent of humans to accomplish His ultimate good.”
“Truth is transcultural; if something is true, it is true for all people, in all places, at all times (2+2=4 for everyone, everywhere, at every time).”
“Even Bertrand Russell, who fancied he saw flaws in Christ’s character, confessed nonetheless that ‘What the world needs is love, Christian love, or compassion.’ But this belies a belief in what most others acknowledge, namely, that Christ was the perfect manifestation of the virtue of love.”
“Since the Court took God our of our schools, we’ve gotten exactly what we should expect: godless schools.”
“Everyone in heaven will be fully blessed, but not everyone will be equally blessed. Every believer’s cup will be full and running over, but not everyone’s cup will be the same size. We determine in time what our capacity for appreciating God will be in eternity.”
“I don’t have enough faith to be an Atheist.”
“There are some things even God cannot do. He cannot force anyone to freely accept Him. Forced freedom is a contradiction in terms.”
“In fact, we humans have a fatal tendency to try to adjust the truth to fit our desires rather than adjusting our desires to fit the truth.”
“Faith is the soul looking upward to God, hope is looking forward to the future, and love is looking outward to others.”
“Chance is not a cause. Chance is a word that we use to describe mathematical possibilities. It has no power of its own. Chance is nothing. It’s what rocks dream about.”
“The world cannot be explained simply by matter in motion. There must be an ultimate intelligence behind it all.”
“The ultimate truth is found in the existence of a personal, loving God.”
“The evidence for the existence of God is overwhelming, but it requires an open mind and an honest examination.”
“The Bible is not just a book, it is God’s revelation to humankind.”
“Science and faith are not mutually exclusive; they can work together to reveal the truth.”
“Evil and suffering do not disprove the existence of God; they are a result of human free will.”
“The existence of evil does not prove the absence of God; it highlights the need for redemption.”
“God’s existence can be known through both reason and personal experience.”
“God’s love and justice are not contradictory; they are two sides of the same coin.”
“The ultimate purpose of life is to know and love God, and to fulfill the unique purpose He has for each individual.”
1 All of the following quotes are from the websites below:
Norman L. Geisler Quotes (Author of I Don’t Have Enough Faith to be an Atheist)