His name is Matthew Rothert. I doubt any of you have heard of him but he is a perfect example of how one person, armed with determination and a vision, can make a difference. Rothert (1904 -1989) was a successful businessman who was the president of a furniture manufacturing company in Camden, Arkansas.
His claim to fame was that back in the 1950’s he launched a one-man campaign to get “In God We Trust” placed on U.S. paper currency. Rothert conducted a letter campaign to many government leaders and even traveled to Washington, DC determined to see his vision become a reality.
According to the Encyclopedia of Arkansas we read how his idea was birthed and how it became a reality:
“At church one Sunday in 1953, looking at the collection plate, Rothert realized that only coins bore the motto “In God We Trust.” He believed that a message about God on U.S. paper currency would reach more people because of its wider circulation. Rothert wrote letters and gave speeches promoting his idea. As a result, Senator J. William Fulbright of Arkansas, along with several other senators and representatives from around the country, proposed the bill to Congress. President Dwight Eisenhower signed the proposal into law on July 11, 1955.”1
Back in 1864 our government leaders acknowledged the important role God played in making our nation great by placing the phrase “IN GOD WE TRUST” on every coin minted. So now all U.S. paper currency and coins have this wonderful phrase on them.
Matthew Rothert was just an ordinary man with a godly vision and as a result of his determination he was able to accomplish something special for the kingdom of God. So, the next time God puts something on your heart that may seem impossible remember Matthew Rothert’s vision and ask God to give you with wisdom and direction. And remember while you may have to supply the legwork, God’s resources are limitless.