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Oswald Chambers Quotes to Inspire – Part II

“Faith never knows where it is being led, but it loves and knows the One who is leading.”1

“Leave the broken, irreversible past in God’s hands, and step out into the invincible future with Him.”

“All of God’s people are ordinary people who have been made extraordinary by the purpose he has given them.”

“We look upon prayer as a means of getting things for ourselves; The Bible idea of prayer is that we may get to know God Himself.”

“Every now and again, Our Lord lets us see what we would be like if it were not for Himself; it is a justification of what He said – ‘Without Me you can do nothing.’ That is why the bedrock of Christianity is personal, passionate devotion to the Lord Jesus.”

“We have to pray with our eyes on God, not on the difficulties.”

“Holiness, not happiness, is the chief end of man.”

“All heaven is interested in the cross of Christ, all hell terribly afraid of it, while men are the only beings who more or less ignore its meaning.”

“If you have ever prayed in the dawn you will ask yourself why you were so foolish as not to do it always: it is difficult to get into communion with God in the midst of the hurly-burly of the day.”

“The battle of prayer is against two things in the earthlies: wandering thoughts and lack of intimacy with God’s character as revealed in His word. Neither can be cured at once, but they can be cured by discipline.”

“Never say you will pray about a thing; pray about it.”

“Prayer is simple, prayer is supernatural, and to anyone not related to our Lord Jesus Christ, prayer is apt to look stupid.”

“Jesus Christ became Incarnate for one purpose, to make a way back to God that man might stand before Him as He was created to do, the friend and lover of God Himself.”

“When a man is at his wits’ end it is not a cowardly thing to pray, it is the only way he can get in touch with Reality.”

“There is nothing to be valued more highly than to have people praying for us; God links up His power in answer to their prayers.”

“It is impossible to live the life of a disciple without definite times of secret prayer. You will find that the place to enter in is in your business, as you walk along the streets, in the ordinary ways of life, when no one dreams you are praying, and the reward comes openly, a revival here, a blessing there.”

“The golden rule for understanding in spiritual matters is not intellect, but obedience.”

“It is by no haphazard chance that in every age men have risen early to pray. The first thing that marks decline in spiritual life is our relationship to the early morning.”

1 All of the above quotes are from the website below:

  107 Oswald Chambers Quotes |