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Our Astonishing Bible

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My friends, quite frankly, there is no book like the Bible. It is simply the most amazing, influential, and transformational book ever written. Charles Spurgeon said it best when he shared: “The more you read the Bible; and the more you meditate on it, the more you will be astonished with it.”1

It’s amazing

Why is the Bible amazing? Well for starters it is without a doubt the reading experience of a lifetime.

There is more action, adventure, romance, intrigue, wisdom, life, and inspiration in this one volume than in any other book ever written. It is a breathtaking, panoramic saga of kings, empires, and dynasties, vividly described in the rich, full texture of an ancient world setting. The forty-plus authors, although spanning a period of 1,500 years, remarkably managed to connect all sixty-six books into a thrilling tale of man and his quest for meaning. Layer upon layer of man’s intensely complex personality and emotions are laid bare before us, as the reader is given the most in-depth exploration into the very essence of our human nature.

It’s influential

It is totally multidimensional in its scope. It’s a mirror. As we read it, we constantly see ourselves reflected in the lives of the biblical characters. It’s a treasure hunt. As we travel through its pages, we are guaranteed to find nuggets of wisdom of incomparable value. The Bible is history and it promises to send any history buff into a state of sheer ecstasy. The Bible is full of poetry. The Book of Psalms is world-renowned for its literary style and excellence of composition. It’s philosophy. The Holy Scriptures have more to say about human nature and what life is all about than Plato, Socrates, Aristotle, Confucius, and Freud combined.

It’s science. Once again not only does the Bible talk authoritatively on many areas in the scientific realm, but it has been the indispensable mentor of many of the greatest scientific men of all time. It’s inspirational. Jesus’ teachings on the Sermon on the Mount, the Psalms, the Ten Commandments, and the continuous love of God for mankind have down through the centuries been the pillars on which millions have anchored their faith. So many great masterpieces of art, literature, music, and film have been created by people touched with the message of God that our world would be deprived of much of its very heart and soul if it were deprived of this one book.

It’s transformational

Down through the centuries the Bible has literally transformed the lives of countless millions of individuals from sinners to saints and from bondage to free. Unlike other religions or belief systems, Christianity is unique in that when someone gives their heart to Jesus they become a totally new creation with a new spiritual heart. The Christian conversion experience is not just a reformation of a person’s character but a transformation of character. For the Christian everything changes.

Unlike organizations like Alcoholics Anonymous (AA) where adherents often can be delivered from alcohol addiction, only to become addicted to cigarette smoking, the Christian can be delivered from all substance addictions. I like to say that AA reforms but Christianity transforms. Christianity not only changes the heart but it renews the mind as followers become servants of the Lord.

It’s astonishing

For one book to have lasted two thousand years and to have undergone no changes at all, except for the changes it produces in the people who read it and follow its doctrines, is truly unique! The only explanation for this phenomenon can be that this one book – the Holy Bible – was written by men who were moved by the hand of God and that is truly astonishing!


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