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Our Greatest Blessing, Privilege, and Honor

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As Christians we are the most blessed people in the world. Imagine being able to call the Lord of the universe our heavenly Father and to know that we have eternal life – can there be any bigger blessings than these? While these, in my opinion, are the greatest blessings of being a child of God, the blessings don’t stop there. In our world where peace and joy are so elusive, for the Christian, these two states of mind and being are guaranteed as we walk with our Lord and Savior and obey His will. And knowing where we came from, why we are here, and where we are headed when we die, provide us with deep purpose and meaning in a world where uncertainty abounds in answer to these three foundational questions. Yes, the Christian walk is the most blessed journey – and praise God it need not ever end!

Have you ever realized that being a Chrisitan comes with privileges that not even a president or king can claim their own. While a president or king may have the admiration of an entire country and may command obedience from their subjects we as Christians have the privilege to freely worship the true king of kings and enjoy intimate fellowship in the process. Imagine being able to have personal daily meetings, one on one, with the God of the universe who calls you His treasured possession and He is more than willing to fit into our time schedule! Worshipping Jesus, intimate fellowship, and the knowledge that our God loves us so much that He willingly died at Calvary to redeem us from certain eternal damnation because He cares for us more than we could ever imagine! Can there be any greater privilege than to know and be cherished by our awesome Lord and Savior – Jesus Christ!

And when it comes to our greatest honor as a believer I love how Dwight L. Moody said: “There is no greater honour than to be the instrument in God’s hands of leading one person out of the kingdom of Satan into the glorious light of Heaven.”1 The idea that God uses us to play a part in bringing someone to salvation is a great blessing, privilege, and honor all rolled up into one. When we share the gospel with someone and they repent of their sins and put their faith in Jesus we literally change their course in life from hell bound to heaven bound. And I believe that the joy this brings to our souls is simply out of this world. What an amazing honor that God uses mere mortals to play a role in bringing someone into the realm of immortality.

1 There is no greater honour than to be the instrument in… (