The most important question in life revolves around where will we spend eternity when we die. To the atheist this is a closed corridor of thought since he believes he just goes back to dust when he dies. How morbid this is to believe that we just live for such a short period of time when measured against eternity and then go back to nothing. But for most people, who have some belief in God, they ponder what happens to them at death. Is there life after death is something that mankind has wrestled with from the dawn of time.
Of all the religions in the world only Christianity offers us the absolute assurance that we can spend eternity with God after death. This knowledge that when I die I can spend eternity with Jesus with a glorified body in a new heaven and new earth is the greatest news we can share with those we know. The simple Gospel message of salvation by faith in Jesus Christ is indeed “Good News.”
It stands to reason that if you believe in a heaven that there must be entrance requirements to make it there. And the entrance requirement is that are sins are forgiven by accepting, by faith, that Jesus is our sin substitute. I don’t know about you but if I am going to stake my eternal destiny on something or someone like Jesus, I want to know that the message of salvation is real. Other religions promise eternal life but they are not based on reliable sources. Only Christianity has a source book – the Bible – that we can put our trust in. It’s historically true, scientifically accurate, and the only book that has prophecies that have come true. I feel completely confident that its message of salvation through Jesus, is the only way to heaven.
As a Christian we have not only the “Good News” that our passports are stamped – heaven bound – but a great responsibility to share this incredible news with as many people as we can. But it is important to realize that while it is our responsibility to share and pray for the salvation of souls, only God can seal the deal and penetrate the heart of an unbeliever. I like what Albert Mohler said when he shared: “Our responsibility is to get God’s word to their ears. Only God can get the word from their ears to their heart.”1
In our society today our government is relentlessly pushing Americans to get vaccinated to prevent us from getting covid. While it is questionable how effective these vaccines are, since many vaccinated American still get covid, we have a much more important vaccine to share with those around us; and that is the Gospel. For you see it is 100% effective in preventing something far worse than dying from covid, and that is dying in our sin; with the certainty of spending eternity separated from God in a literal hell. Not only will Jesus eradicate the penalty of sin, but once we enter into a saving relationship with Him we can experience peace, joy, and rich meaning now and the certainty of eternal life in heaven when we physically die.
Sharing the gospel and praying for those we share it with is a heavy responsibility but something every Christian should take seriously. Our role is to share and ask God to deliver our message to a person’s heart. And always remember in the final analysis only God can save – we are just His messengers.
1 TOP 25 QUOTES BY ALBERT MOHLER | A-Z Quotes (azquotes.com)