“Vengeance is Mine.”
These three words pack one of the most important messages you may ever hear. This often-quoted Bible passage is only a portion of Romans 12:19. The full verse reads: Never
Why We Believe the Bible is our Basic Instructions Before Leaving Earth
These three words pack one of the most important messages you may ever hear. This often-quoted Bible passage is only a portion of Romans 12:19. The full verse reads: Never
One of the most difficult questions to answer is: “If there is a God why did he allow six million Jews to be exterminated during the Holocaust in WWII?” As
Too often I get frustrated when I don’t seem to get the results I want and expect in my walk with the Lord. I have learned over the years, however,
I must admit that for the past 42 years I have had a love affair with a book – The Holy Bible. The Bible has been my compass, my comforter,
Did you ever realize that of all the things that God created, our planets, stars, and galaxies, and all of his magnificent created beings, only mankind is created in the
The year was 1802 and William Paley famously gave us the watchmaker analogy. In his analogy Paley wrote that if a pocket watch is found on the ground, we can
(2 Corinthians 10:4) tells us: “For the weapons of our warfare are not carnal but mighty in God for pulling down strongholds.” My friends as Christians, while we are victorious in Christ
I am sure most of you are familiar with the saying, “There are no atheists in foxholes.” While the origin of this saying is uncertain, it is believed to have
The Bible makes it very clear that, unlike all other religions, which are works based, Christianity is grace based. And while doing good works are expected of the Christian, they
One area that I would like to address is our need, not just to rely on the evidence for God’s existence, but our need to trust Him even when we