Which Came First – The Chicken or the Egg?
This age-old dilemma, to many, is a conundrum that has no answer. But to those of us who believe the Bible we know from (Genesis 2:7): “And the Lord God formed man of the dust
Why We Believe the Bible is our Basic Instructions Before Leaving Earth
This age-old dilemma, to many, is a conundrum that has no answer. But to those of us who believe the Bible we know from (Genesis 2:7): “And the Lord God formed man of the dust
Up until the middle of the nineteenth century, bad air was thought to be a main cause of sickness and infectious disease. With the formulation of the germ theory of
While re-reading Martin Luther’s quotes from yesterday’s devotion, one quote really made an impression on me. Luther once said: “Always preach in such a way that if the people listening
Most people remember Martin Luther (1483 – 1546) for his bravery when he defied the Catholic Church and launched the great Reformation. But to the Germans he did an equally
Thirty years ago, I wrote an apologetics book called, The Challenge. (pictured above and available on Amazon). My main contention in writing the book is that you can’t call yourself a
As Christians we occupy a special place in the family of God. We are the children and God is our heavenly Father. With this in mind it is important that
In the eyes of most, greatness is synonymous with accomplishing major achievements, accumulating large amounts of wealth, and becoming famous. But when we measure greatness in the economy of God
As New Testament believers in Christ we are given the awesome privilege to know Jesus in a deep and intimate way. I love what we read in (James 4:8): “Come
Andrew Murray (1828 – 1917) was a well-known writer/pastor who lived and ministered among the Dutch Reformed churches in South Africa. He was serious about living a life of holiness
Have you ever wondered what life was like 2,000 years ago when Jesus walked this earth? Back in the Roman Empire during the time of Jesus life was cheap and