Billy Graham Inspirational Quotes – Part III
I pray that the following quotes by Billy Graham will bless you as you walk with Jesus today.1 “Do you want to know what God’s will is for you? It
Why We Believe the Bible is our Basic Instructions Before Leaving Earth
I pray that the following quotes by Billy Graham will bless you as you walk with Jesus today.1 “Do you want to know what God’s will is for you? It
One of my favorite portions of Scripture comes from the great love chapter of the Bible – (1 Corinthians 13) where the Apostle Paul shares the many faceted aspects of
If you have been walking with the Lord for some time now then I think you realize that God is in the business of giving us many wonderful gifts. For
As one reads the Bible it is impossible not to come away with the realization that Jesus Christ is truly unique. In this short devotion I would like to share
In yesterday’s devotion Pastor Paul David Tripp shared the following: “I came to see that I was wired for awe, that awe of something sits at the bottom of everything I
According to his website: “Dr. Paul David Tripp is a pastor, international event speaker, and a best-selling and award-winning author. With more than 30 books and video series on Christian living,
Can a true born again believer in Christ ever lose their salvation? While there are some in evangelical circles that believe we can lose our salvation I contend that those
Jesus Christ is without a doubt the most influential and compassionate person who ever walked the face of our planet. Even those people who deny His deity acknowledge that He
No trip to the city of brotherly love, Philadelphia, can be called complete without stopping by to admire one of the most honored symbols of freedom in our land, the
In today’s devotion I want to share some quotes on the truth about truth. Before I share these thought provoking quotes, however, I would like to share two Scriptures on