Justice Delayed Is Not Justice Denied
As a young Christian I often observed that there are many people who openly deny God, as well as practice acts of wickedness, and yet seem to prosper. I would
Why We Believe the Bible is our Basic Instructions Before Leaving Earth
As a young Christian I often observed that there are many people who openly deny God, as well as practice acts of wickedness, and yet seem to prosper. I would
“Storms are not punishment for lack of obedience; oftentimes they are the result of obedience!”1 “When I put God first, God takes care of me and energizes me to do
As I have shared in several past devotions the Westminster Shorter Catechism asks the question and gives us the answer to this devotion title, when it says: What is the
Issues – we all have them. Problems – we seem to face them every day. Sadly, when mounting issues such as anxiety, loneliness, fear, and stress become too much for
Every now and then a quote about Jesus catches my eye. And yesterday the following quote from Pastor John Piper really caused me to pause and reflect on how to
Every human being goes through the same life cycle: we are born, we live, and we die. Down through the centuries all of mankind has pondered the three big questions
In (Matthew 7:13-14) we read the following: “Enter through the narrow gate. For wide is the gate and broad is the road that leads to destruction, and many enter through it. But
I pray that the following quotes by Billy Graham will bless you as you walk with Jesus today.1 “A true servant of God is someone who helps another succeed.” “One
As New Testament believers we are no longer living under the dispensation of the old covenant where our relationship with God could be characterized by one word – distance. Charles
One of the great paradoxes of the Bible is the clear teaching that affliction and joy often can occupy the same space in the life of a Christian. Billy Graham