Have you ever thought about what our world would look like if Jesus never existed and God never gave us the Bible to read, explore, and cherish? In today’s devotion I would like to share a little from the history of what life was like in Roman culture during the time and place that Jesus lived. After we share some history, I would like to add a few of my own observations.
In the ancient Roman Empire 2,000 years ago Jesus and the Bible may have existed but for all intents and purposes Roman society didn’t follow or believe in a Christian worldview. Instead many Romans worshiped a host of gods that were selfish, unloving, and often showed no compassion toward humans. The idea of loving mankind, for these man-made gods back then, would have been a completely foreign concept.
Without Jesus’ teaching that every human life is valuable, slavery existed as an acceptable part of society. In fact, estimates are that nearly one fourth of the population under Roman rule were slaves. Abortion, infanticide and an almost complete lack of morality were the virtues of ancient Rome. Women basically were not free but treated very harshly and had little rights. In addition, they were totally subservient to their husbands. In ancient Rome social justice, charity and humanitarian aid were non-existent.
In short Roman culture back then was one of death, gross inequality, suffering, superstition, and little hope in the now and none in the afterlife; since Romans didn’t believe there was life after death. In the Roman mindset, life was cheap and expendable. What a sad existence it must have been for the vast majority of the population under Roman rule 2,000 years ago. Without a Christian worldview there realistically was little for those in ancient Rome to look forward to in life.
Without a firm reliance on Christianity and its principles we can see that even in the last one hundred years horrendous consequences have occurred. Names such as Hitler, Mussolini, Stalin, Pol Pot, and Kim Jong-un have caused the societies they have led to suffer incredible damage to their own citizens and the world at large. By jettisoning Christianity from their culture these dictators have slaughtered millions of their own citizens and only serve to remind us of just how much evil can exist in the heart of mankind without Christ.
Without Christianity concepts of morality would not be based on the absolute standard of the Bible but on what majority rule says is right; which sadly often is not right at all. Without Christ there would be no Sermon on the Mount and no new paradigm in ethics and morals. While slavery in Roman society as well as the Negro slave market in the 1800’s was abolished due to Jesus’ teaching that every human life is valuable we see that today, slavery is still with us in many parts of the world as well as in the dark side of the worldwide sex trafficking business. Again, women are still considered second class citizens in many parts of the world today where the gospel message is ignored.
To sum up in a world without Christ and the Word of God man is left up to his own devices and history has shown us and continues to show us that humanity is devalued and the groundwork for destroying an individual’s and a nation’s soul is being laid. Not only that but consider the following:
Without Christ there is no one to forgive us of our sins before a holy God.
Without Christ there is no way to make it to heaven.
Without Christ there is no way to make sense out of tragedies in life.
Without Christ you spend your whole life pursuing things that never bring real peace and joy.
Without Christ you can’t bring glory to God because you are too busy trying to bring glory to something or someone else.
Without Christ your enemy (Satan) will defeat you every time without divine intervention.
And finally, without Christ there is no way to find true meaning in life.
Honestly my friends, a world without Christ would simply be a disaster.
Thankfully, we do have the word of God. Unfortunately, too many live as if the Word of God does not exist and live a disastrous life without Christ without true meaning.
Be salt and light my friends.