May 5: What a wonderful day – today my life began. It’s conception day and even though my mother doesn’t know I am here inside of her it has already been determined that I will be a boy with blue eyes and brown hair. I may be only one single cell big now but what a marvelously complicated and delicate cell I am.
May 26: My heart is now beating and by the time I reach seventy years old it will have already had over two billion beats. My spinal cord, muscles and nerves are now being formed. Even my tiny eyes and ears can now be seen. And my mom, even though she doesn’t know it yet, is providing me nourishment through her placenta. And I already like apples!
June 5: My arms and legs are beginning to form and so are my ten fingers and ten toes. I will have strong legs that will someday help me run fast and join my high school track club.
June 12: On this day my tiny brain is beginning to form and at 44 days my brain waves will be just like my mom. I plan to one day study medicine and become a brain surgeon.
June 17: I am now called an embryo. I can now move and I even respond to touch. I can’t wait till I am born and can be held by my mom.
June 21: Hooray! Today is a special day because my mom’s doctor told my parents that I am living inside of her. She now knows I am here and a living part of her. I will work hard to make my parents proud of me.
July 4: What a wonderful Independence Day! Although I am not yet independent. In fact, I am totally dependent on my mom for everything. My hair is growing and my eyes are developing nicely.
July 12: I am now called a fetus. I can now grasp things and even suck my thumb. Fingerprints are already visible in my skin. Not only that but I can now feel pain – I don’t like that feeling!
July 20: My mom took me back for a checkup to her doctor. Her doctor is pleased with my growth and let my parents for the first time listen to my tiny heartbeat. No wonder the Bible says: “… I am fearfully and wonderfully made…” (Psalm 139:14). By now my heart has already been beating millions of times inside my temporary home – the womb.
August 4: I am now going to sleep and awakening each day. It is so good to experience each brand new day. I can’t wait to see the sun, the moon, and the stars.
August 5: Today my mother aborted me and instead of seeing my mom’s beautiful face first, the first face I saw was the face of Jesus!
In eternity: Heaven is a beautiful place and I pray one day I can see my mom’s face here above.
At conception life begins and as you can see from the diary above life before birth is exploding on the scene very early and at each stage of pregnancy. Life is also sacred and to abort a baby after conception is to take a precious life way before its time and destiny is fulfilled.