Did you know that the devil is not anti-religion. In fact, the devil loves religion because he knows that religion can be one of the greatest impediments to finding the true God. One of his greatest lies is that all religions are good and lead to heaven. And sadly, many have bought this lie and as a result countless millions of people have been blinded to the truth of the Christian Gospel. As long as the devil can get you to believe that each religion’s God is worthy of worship he will have accomplished his goal. You see the devil loves God, as long as His name is not Jesus.
Thomas Jefferson once remarked: “Religions are all alike – founded upon fables and mythologies.”1 While Christianity is founded on the solid rock of Jesus Christ and the Bible all other religions are based on gods that are invented by man. Only Christianity delivers on its wonderful promises of true peace and joy and a truly transformed life. All other religions fall short in these areas because the false gods their followers worship are just that false, man-made gods.
Most people have a desire to believe in something bigger than themselves, but the big question is can we know the truth about God and as a religious seeker where should we start? I believe that if one calls themselves a truly reasonable and open-minded religious seeker then they should want to investigate the claims of Christianity first before investigating other religious traditions because the decision we make on which God to serve has eternal implications.
If Christianity is correct that only Jesus leads to salvation and eternal life then by definition all other religions are pathways to doom. And because Christianity is so unique among all religions we as Christians can use this approach to witness to those who follow other religious belief systems.
My approach is simple. First, we need to show love toward those we are sharing our Christian faith with. Second, we need to show that Christianity is special in that it is testable, offers free salvation, has the best worldview fit of any religion, has the most unique and influential book ever written, and the most compelling person who has ever walked on the face of the earth – Jesus Christ. Third, we need to share the message of the gospel. And fourth, and this is important, we need to pray that the Lord would open their heart to our message of truth.
Eternal destinies lie in the balance and only the truth of Christianity can shatter the lies of all other false religions. Religion is a pathway to doom so let’s get busy sharing the good news of Jesus Christ with a world that’s clearly headed in the wrong direction.
1 TOP 25 RELIGION QUOTES (of 1000) | A-Z Quotes (azquotes.com)